Chapter thirty

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Summer 1992

When Cassiopeia and Draco arrived back at Malfoy manor for the summer Cassie felt instantly relieved, the irritation in her chest was almost gone and she had nothing at all to do for the next six weeks. Of course the first stop the girl made was to the kitchen to find dobby and give him a hug that was definitely too tight for his small frame, she told him all about the events that had happened since she had last updated him and the little elf insisted that he make her some chocolate chip cookies and ushered her off.

Draco was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling when Cassie found him, she dived onto the bed next to him and gave him a giant smile.

"I'm bored already, we haven't even been home a full day" Draco pouted.

"Quidditch?" The girl raised her eyebrows with a smirk.

"Quidditch" he nodded and the two of them hurried out of the room.

The rest of the day was spent with the two of them running practice drills that Cassie had picked up watching all of the quidditch teams at hogwarts practice. They were eventually chased inside by Narcissa who complained that they needed to eat and get ready for bed.

When Cassie finally settled in her own bed she took a deep breath and wrapped the duvet around her, pushing her thoughts and fears to the back of her mind she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

It was cold, it was always cold. She was standing in the darkness with a door infront of her with a warm glow coming from the crack at the bottom. Walking up to and opening the door made the coldness fade away. When the door was open and she walked through it she wanted to turn around, swinging her body back around her heart dropped because the door she'd just came through was gone replaced with the same thing that was encasing the rest of the room. Flames.

Then that pesky little voice filled her head again, it made her panic as she tried to find away out of the fire searching every inch of the room.

'Your stronger than you think' Voldemort's words echoed through her head.

Cassie dropped to her knees when the screaming started, Draco screaming to be specific. She squeezed her eyes and shouted at herself to wake up, when her eyes opened again Draco was in the room too screaming as the fire burned him. No no no she thought as tears flooded her face. Then came Pansy, she was screaming too. Then Theo, Neville, Blaise, all of them burning and screaming. All while she remained unharmed by the flames, she moved through the room not effected by the fire that was engulfing her aswell.

When she turned to see her once screaming now still friends, he was there. Lord Voldemort laughed as he pushed the lifeless bodies of her friends to the side, he knelt beside her and ran a hand across her cheek.

Suddenly she shot up and took in her surroundings, her sister behind her obviously attempting to comfort her. The room was dark and clammy with only the lamp on her desk emitting a dim light. It wasn't real, just a dream she assured herself as she sat back into her sisters arms. Narcissa stroked Cassie's damp hair.

"You okay Cass?" She asked quietly.

Cassiopeia just nodded not having the strength to talk, she didn't want to cry infront of Narcissa but when she started humming a lullaby Cassie couldn't help but sob in her sisters arms.

Her nightmares always seemed to make her the villain, she knew that the fire in that room was caused by her and it was her fault that all of her friends were burnt alive. So when Draco strolled into her room the morning after she pouted and pushed Narcissa out of the bed to make room for him, she clung to him and didn't let go until dobby brought them some breakfast.

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