Chapter twenty four

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Cassiopeia had to agree that her weekends at hogwarts were mundane at the best of times, being a first year meant there was a limited availability of things to do. Most of the time she just spent time with her friends which she loved so having to wake up at 9am on a Saturday to go and spend time with two men wasn't ideal.

Pansy had basically pushed her out of the bed when the alarm on her bedside table had started to go off, so quietly and quickly Cassie threw on one of the jumpers draco had gotten her for her birthday and she made her way through the common room stopping to say good morning to Draco, Tracey and Millicent who were all infront of the fire.

By the time she had gotten up the stairs to Dumbledores office she was more or less awake to the fullest extent and she knocked three times and yawned as she waited for Dumbledore to open the door.

"Miss Black come in" Dumbledore smiled warmly.

"Morning professor" she smiled back at him and walked through the office.

"Ah Cassiopeia it's lovely to see you again" Anderson spoke as him and McKellen came into her view.

"You too" she gave both men a smile.

"How're you doing in school, Dumbledore here says you've got a good head on your shoulders" McKellen patted her on the back.

"Miss Black is a bright young which, I shouldn't really say this but she's one of the top students in her year" Dumbledore said quietly as he gave Cassie a wink.

Dumbledore went off to his desk to do whatever he did as head master whilst McKellen and Anderson both did their job of checking over Cassie and her progress. According to them she was doing great in most aspects the only problem they could find was that because her magic didn't have the outlet it needed it was affecting her from the inside out. Her body temperature was four times higher than it should have been, she felt fine but that could have been because she was used to it now.

Just before they were about to leave they told her that she would be picked up on Monday afternoon and taken too a secondary location to begin her training. They also told her that a younger woman would be handling the majority of her physical training and that they'd meet on Monday.

Theo was pacing near the door to the common room and had been since he'd woken up at half past 9 and Draco had told him that Cassie had gone to her 'assessment' as they were now calling it. Pansy was sitting with Daphne both doing homework and Draco and Blaise were playing exploding snap with Tracey so Theo thought it would be best to pace.

"Nott will you sit down she'll be back soon" Draco rolled his eyes as he shouted over to the boy.

"It's been like two hours what could they possibly be doing" tho crossed his eyes and frowned.

"Just leave him he's relentless" Blaise chuckled.

After another ten minutes of pacing Theo was knocked of his feet by the door hitting him. He yelped as he hit the ground.

"Merlins beard Theodore what are you doing behind the door" cassie said as she helped him up.

"I wasn't doing anything" he frowned again.

"He thought if he stood over there it would make you come back faster" Draco laughed, "great logic if you ask me"

"Piss off Snow White" Theo launched a cushion at him as he sat on one of the couches with Cassie.

"Why is doing nothing so Tiring" cassie sighed as she dug through her bag and took out a book.

"How are you feeling" Theo asked as he got himself comfy.

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