Chapter eleven

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Draco was extremely angry at himself when they couldn't celebrate Cassie's birthday in November because she was doing tests in the ministry to decide weather she would be joining Draco's year at hogwarts, and the results were delivered this morning.

"I can't do it" Cassie groaned as she sat cross legged on Dracos bed.

"Just open it, we need to get planning!" Draco paced back and forth.

"You do it" she held out the ministry sealed envelope.

Draco smiled at Cassie and took the envelope tearing at the edges quickly and pulling out the parchment. His eyes scanned the page and then lit up, he practically lept in the air and landed on the bed.

"We're going to hogwarts!" He gave her back the letter and reached over to get a notebook out of his bedside table.

Cassie read over the letter herself and let herself smile when she reached the part that told her she could go to hogwarts and she let out a small scream and threw herself backwards on the bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Okay so here's the plan" Draco held out his book in front of Cassie.

Cassie over the last few months had noticed that Draco liked to be organised, his room was immaculate at all times and anytime she moved anything he was shadowing behind her to fix it you could practically see his body going into shock, he had a lot of notebooks that he made plans in for anything down to the colour socks he was going to wear.

"Whatever you need me to do I'll do it" she smiled.

"Well now we need to celebrate so I think we should go to the park and have a picnic" he nodded as he flipped through his notebook.

"Are we inviting Theo and Pansy" Cassie got up from the bed.

"Might as well they'll be happy to hear the news" Draco grinned.

"Okay I'll go and send them the owls" Cassie left Draco to his planning.

Once Cassie had received the owls of agreement from Theo and Pansy she threw on some clothes and Narcissa apperated them to the park and then told them she'd be back in a few hours she was going shopping in diagon alley.

"Why do I get left holding the basket" Draco complained as they walked around to find a spot.

"Because I don't conform to the gender normative of women being in charge of the cooking" she gave him a knowing smirk.

Draco rolled his eyes, "dobby made all the food and you've been spending too much time with Pansy" he set down the basket.

"Yes and finally somebody else in our group has the brain cells I can work with" Pansy's voice called from further behind them.

"Hi Pans" Cassie ran over and gave her a hug.

"So what's the news" she settled on the blanket Draco had just laid out.

"We have to wait for Theo" Draco said as he bounced up and down on his feet.

"You know he's going to be late, he always is" Pansy sighed and turned to Cassie, "I brought this with me, swiped it from mum last night" she held out an iridescent nail polish bottle.

"Nail polish?" She raised a brow.

"Yes but my mum charmed it so it changes colour to co-ordinate your outfit" she grinned.

"Okay show me" Cassie held out her hands.

Pansy took Cassies hands and placed them on her knees, she gently coated each of her nails. The varnish came out a charcoal gray colour and after she'd blown on them a few times and they dried they set a burnt orange colour that matched the seems of her cardigan.

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