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MAY 1979

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MAY 1979

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"The flowers are looking great." Remus complimented, as he and Holland took a walk around the manor, arm in arm.

"Thank you," Holland blushed, "Mopsy did really well."

"And you." Remus said, nudging her lightly.

Holland smiled, "I just handed her the plants."

"Yes, but you did it so well," Remus smirked, making the girl laugh, "Have you thought more about the whole moving thing?"

The Irish girl let out a soft sigh, "Yeah. I have. I want to keep the house, it's lovely and I can afford to. But I think I want to buy an old house, refurbish it, you know. Like we talked about, you know, before."

Remus nodded, "I think that's a great idea."

"Ooh!" Holland remembered, excitedly, making Remus smile fondly at her, "I've got a job."

The boy raised an eyebrow, grinning, "Really?"

"Yeah," Holland nodded excitedly, "You know, after talking to Lily the other week, I realised that it's time to start actually living the life that is mine. So, I got a job at a flower shop. I start next month."

"That's great." Remus told her.

"And," Holland nervously continued, "I talked to Dumbledore. I'm joining the Order."

Remus turned to her in shock, stopping both of them from walking.


"Before you say anything, this is my choice and what I want to do. You, Max, Bron, Lily, Maggie, James, Frank and practically all of our friends are a part of it," Holland told him, "Reg died to protect his family. I also want to help protect my own."

"I know," Remus sighed, taking his hands in hers, "I'm just worried."

"I know," The Slytherin nodded, "I worry about you, too. But at the end of the day we take care of each other, right?"

Remus smiled, "Of course."

Holland gave him a grin, "Good."

The two stood, smiling at each other for a moment and Remus licked his lips nervously.

"Holland, I-"

The girl cut him off with a gasp, grabbing tightly onto his arm, making him react quickly.


"I think," Holland gasped, "I think my water just broke."

"Oh Merlin."

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