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6th Year

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Maxine smiled slightly, as she sat on her bed in her, Holland and Bronwyn's dorm, French-plaiting Bronwyn's hair.

"I wish Reggie would let me plait his hair." The red head sighed.

Holland chuckled, tying her tie in the mirror, "I'll pin him down if you plait."

Maxine laughed, "Deal," She smiled, before finishing her best friend's hair, "And done."

"Thanks." Bronwyn grinned, looking at her neatly plaited hair, making Maxine smile and hug her from behind, as Holland watched the pair with a soft smile on her face.


"And then what?" Bronwyn asked Holland at breakfast.

"Then say: the method of performing the Ridikkulus charm is," The Irish girl dictated, making Bronwyn furiously scribble it down, before looking at her friend in anticipation, "And then explain what it is." Holland instructed, Bronwyn complying.

The dark-haired girl smiled softly at her friend, taking a bite of her toast, her eyes wandering over to the Gryffindor table, swallowing thickly when they landed on her boyfriend, who was in a conversation with Sirius and Peter. Her werewolf boyfriend.

Margaret and Helena had both given her good and wise advice for her situation, yet she was still at a loss on what to do.

Thinking of her blonde friend made Holland discreetly look at Margaret - who was staring at a shaggy-haired Gryffindor. Feeling eyes on her, the Hufflepuff look around, before making eye contact with the Slytherin, who sent her a smirk, making Margaret look away with a blush.

Bronwyn's struggle with her essay brought Holland back into her conversation with her friends.

"What's a good example of a boggart?" The girl asked.

"Why not just use what your boggart was as an example?" Maxine asked with a chuckle.

"Because I can't remember what it is." Bronwyn admitted. laughing slightly, making her friends join in.

"Yours is a wolf." Maxine reminded her best friend.

"You turned it into an adorable puppy, remember?" Holland said through a mouthful of toast.

"Your boggart's your biggest fear." Regulus stated, looking at Bronwyn confused.

"Well, yeah, but I think it's changed," The older girl shrugged, "I'm not as afraid of them as I used to be."

"Well, just use what you did to the wolf in third year as your example." Holland advised her friend, shrugging slightly.

"Thanks." Bronwyn smiled, messily scribbling her answer down.

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