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6th Year

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There was something about doing her Prefect rounds alone that bothered Holland. Maybe it was the fact that her boyfriend wasn't next to her like he usually was, intertwining their fingers, or offering her chocolate. Either way, she missed him.

The girl was walking slowly, arms crossed, as she ventured through the corridors of castle. She had always been an admirer of the magical building at night, thinking it held a certain type of beauty and mystery.

She had just caught two second year friends from Slytherin out of bed and sent them back to their dormitories with a detention and taking away five points each, much to her own dismay. It was when she heard the shuffling of feet that she turned around, confused, seeing no-one behind her. Shrugging it off, the Irish girl turned back around and continued her rounds, turning a corner, when she heard hushed whispers, causing her to stop again, listening carefully.

"Come on Wormtail." The distinct whisper of Sirius Black reached her ears.

"I'm trying, there's not much room under here." Peter Pettigrew whispered back.

Holland peeked her head from behind the wall, spotting four sets of feet stumbling down the corridor, away from her. Just feet.

"Padfoot, Wormtail, shush," James Potter's voice hissed, "You'll get us caught."

"No we won't," Sirius' voice said, "Who's here to catch us?"

"This is where Holland and I usually do our rounds, so yes. There is." The unmistakable sound of Remus Lupin's voice told the boy, making Holland's eyebrows scrunch together in confusion, as she was told he was visiting his mother.

"Come on, we need to hurry." James said, before Holland watched the feet exit the other end of the corridor, and the Irish girl leaned her back against the wall, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Visiting his mother." She whispered, letting out a scoff and shaking her head.

"Do you mind?" A voice yelled from behind her, making the girl turn around to see someone from the painting she didn't realise she was leaning on glaring at her.

"Sorry." She told the man, before rushing off to her dormitory, a million thoughts racing through her head.


The next morning, Holland sat at the breakfast table, resting her chin on her hand, as she twirled her bacon around with her fork.

"Holland, are you okay?" Regulus asked his best friend, noting her unusual behaviour.

Holland looked up, seemingly being broken from her trance, seeing three worried faces looking at her.

"Fine," She nodded, putting her fork down, "Just not hungry."

"Well we're gonna go to the Quidditch pitch to watch the match and cheer on Hufflepuff." Bronwyn informed her.

"I'm going against my will." Maxine piped up.

"You coming?" Bronwyn asked.

"No." Holland shook her head, making her friends look at her like she has three heads.

"Did Holland Lux just decline Quidditch?" Regulus asked, stunned.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Maxine asked her.

"Just not feeling well," Holland shrugged, standing up, "I'm just going to go back to the Common Room."

"Want any of us to come with you?" Regulus asked her.

"No," Holland shook her head, "You guys go have fun, I just want to be alone for a little bit. I'll see you later." She said, before walking away from her worried friends.

"But I don't get a choice." Maxine sulked, earning a light snack from Bronwyn.

Holland sighed, rubbing her hand over her face as she made her way back to the Common Room, stopping when she saw James, Sirius, Peter and Remus in one of the corridors. Only her boyfriend had spotted her, sending her a discreet smile, whilst Holland just stared at him for a few moments, before turning around and walking in the other direction, taking the long way back to the Slytherin Common Room.


After taking a quick detour into the girl's bathroom, Holland now stood in front of a sink, looking at the mirror in front of her, slowly tracing the snake design that seemed to be on only one of the sinks.

The girl let out a sigh, before turning around and leaning her back against the sink, arms crossed. She stood there for a good five minutes, a frown on her face, thinking about Remus. He had never lied to her before, so why was he now? A rush of negative thoughts ran through the girl's head, making her frown even deeper.

"Well that's not a pretty sight." A high pitched voice said, making Holland glance you lazily.

"Hello, Myrtle." The Slytherin greeted.

"What's got the great Holland Lux all upset." Myrtle questioned in a mocking manner.

Holland smirked slightly at how stupid this sounded, "A boy."

"Boys are stupid," Myrtle told the Irish girl, "We're all better without them." She said, before flying down into a toilet, exiting the toilets.

Holland stood there for a moment, a small smile residing on her face, as she whispered, "Not all of them."

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