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6th Year

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"Moony, what the bloody hell are you doing?" James asked as he entered the dorm.

"It's origami," Remus replied, folding the last part of the paper frog, "Mum taught me. She says it helps to calm you down," He said.

"Moony, it's a nice day outside," James sighed, moving to lie down on his bed, facing Remus, "Go outside, read a book, play some Quidditch," He listed off, seeing the look on Remus' face, "Or not, your call. Just, go to the library at least,"

"Fine," Remus sighed, standing up, "I'll see you later,"

"What makes you think I won't come with you?" James asked, standing up.

"Prongs," Remus said, giving his friend a look.

"I'll be on the Quidditch pitch," James nodded before he and Remus left the dorm.


"I still don't understand," Holland whispered, looking up at Margaret as they sat at a table in a secluded corner of the library.

"It's honestly not that hard," Margaret gently told her.

"But, what exactly is the point of it?" The dark haired girl asked, confused.

"It's a rubber duck," Margaret shrugged, "There's really not much that it does," She said, "Let's just move on to muggle plays," The Hufflepuff sighed, "Can you please go find one?" She asked the Slytherin.

"Okay," Holland nodded, getting up and going towards the muggle section of the library.

"Pillows, Plants, Plays," The raven haired girl smiled, looking at the muggle books sitting on the shelf in front of her, picking one out before going bacl to where Margaret was sitting.

"What did you pick?" Margaret asked, taking the book from her, "Romeo and Juliet," She smiled, handing it back to Holland, "I'll start some questions on it and you can go get it checked out, please,"

Holland nodded and walked over to Madame Pince's desk to see a note, reading, 'Back in 5 minutes' on it.

"She gone?" A voice behind her asked.

"Yeah," Holland nodded, "No wonder we've not been told to shut up every five minutes," She chuckled, turning around to face the voice, freezing once she did, "Lupin," The girl nodded.

"Lux," Remus smiled, also nodding, "You know you can call me Remus," He told her, "Unlike some people, I'm not prejudice towards you,"

"Right, then call me Holland," She said, "And by some people, I believe you mean Black and Potter,"

"More Sirius than James," The boy corrected, "But yeah,"

The two stood in a semi-awkward silence, until Remus broke it.

"Romeo and Juliet," He smiled.

"Pardon?" The Irish girl asked.

"Your book," Remus elaborated, pointing at the one she clutched in her hands, "One of my favourites,"

"Oh, no, this... isn't mine," Holland shook her head, profusely.

"Oh?" Remus asked with a cock of his head and a small smile playing upon his lips.

"Yeah, my friend in Ravenclaw, who has detention right now, wanted me to get it... for them," Holland lied. Very badly.

"Ah, yeah," Remus chuckled, "I see,"

"Hey, Holland, I need to go," Margaret said, coming up to the pair, "Oh, hello Remus," She smiled.

"Hey, Margaret," Remus smiled, politely.

"Anyway, I left some questions on our table, I need to go talk to Professor Sprout, read the play, and then I'll see you next week," The Hufflepuff smiled, "Bye," She said to the two, then left, her two friends giving her a small wave as she did.

"Didn't know Margaret was suddenly a Ravenclaw," Remus smiled down at Holland, "Or got detentions,"

"I'm a terrible liar," Holland admitted, staring down at her feet.

"You're not the only one," Remus told her, "I won't tell anyone," He said, making her look up at him.

"You won't?" She asked him, shocked.

"No," Remus shook his head, "Like I said, I'm not the prejudice one," He said as Madame Pince came back to the desk.

"Thank you, Remus," She smiled, before turning around and checking out her book.


That night, Remus went back to his dorm, a smile residing on his face.

"See, the library works wonders," James smirked from his bed.

"Yeah, the library," Remus said, making his way to his bed, so that he could get ready to go to sleep.

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