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6th Year

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The Great Hall was abuzz with chatter, the Slytherin table was on the far left as students enter, where most were discussing their upcoming potions class, the Ravenclaw table was next to it and most of the students sat at that table were either reading or talking, then the Gryffindor table, where a group of four boys waited, excited for what was about to ensue, and the Hufflepuff table was placed on the far right, where Margaret Sullivan, among others were chatting excitedly about the upcoming Halloween ball.

That morning, Holland joined Regulus and Severus at the Slytherin table, sitting in the middle of the pair, eyeing her best friend as he took a sip of pumpkin juice from his water goblet.

"What?" The boy asked, noticing her stare.

Holland shrugged, "Nothing." She said, buttering a piece of toast as Maxine and Bronwyn sat across the table from the best friends, pouring themselves some pumpkin juice as well.

"Do you want some, Holland?" Maxine asked, holding the jug out to her friend.

"I'm good thanks," The girl shook her head, opting for coffee instead, "Didn't sleep much last night." She said, her eyes wondering over to the Gryffindor table, sharing a small smile with boy, unnoticed by everyone.

It was then that the owls flew in, dropping mail to everyone who had been sent it.

"Oh look," Bronwyn said to Maxine, pointing at the letter she had been sent, "Father's been promoted at work."

Holland looked up at her with a smile, before looking down at the letter that had been sent to her by her own father.

"Well mine is taking my mother on holiday in December as a surprise anniversary present," Holland told them, "So I guess I'll be staying here for Christmas."

As second or two after she said that, there was a loud sound resembling a poof, and everyone on the Slytherin table who had drunk pumpkin juice that morning - who were all but Holland and a few other students -  were surrounded by a cloud of purple smoke, before it suddenly disappeared, leaving small, snorting pigs where they sat.

The Great Hall then erupted into laughter, as the pigs squealed in protest. Even some of the teachers were chuckling, whilst Professor Dumbledore watched them with a twinkle in his eyes, amused.

Holland chuckled, looking down at where pig Regulus was sat on her right and then pig Severus on her left, before looking over at the Gryffindor table, sharing an entertained look with Remus, which went unnoticed by his friends, as they were too busy laughing and high-fiving each other in triumph.

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