Chapter 5- Got married to him

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[Time skip: Wedding day]

And I knew wedding was the happiest day in a girl's life. But the only emotion I find here is the happiness of my parents and soon to in laws who have no idea that there's no love between us. Sighing for the hundredth time, I took a look at myself in the mirror when a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. The door knob twisted open revealing Jimin

"You're finally getting married" He said as I nodded still looking gloomy

"Hey, what's wrong? Shouldn't you be happy? You're getting married to someone you love" Jimin asked with concern while rubbing my back. And that's when I lost it. I couldn't hide things from him. I told him everything while tears rolled down my eyes

"Hey, don't cry okay? If you want, we can call of the wedding" He said and was about to leave but I caught his wrist

"No-o. The guest-t have arrived... I don't-t want-t dad to get humiliated-d. Moreover-r, I don-t-t want to get-t fired-d" I spoke while sniffing

"Seriously Y/n? You that dumb? Just for this stupid reason you're gonna waist your entire life by marrying someone you don't even love nor does he?" Jimin asked quiet angry

"I must face the consequences of my actions, Jimin. Moreover, divorce is always an option" I said as Jimin kneeled in front of me caressing my cheeks

"Just don't regret it" He said softly as I nodded before he kissed my forehead

"Let's go, it's almost time" He stood up and went out while I followed him

The moment I entered the hall, all the eyes were fixed on me. There were whispers saying how beautiful I looked and some calling me just a gold digger but I was none. I was just a normal getting arranged to her cold as ice boss with almost no emotions attached. Walking down the aisle, my dad passed my hands off to him who gladly accepted it and helped me get on the stage with the priest standing in front of us holding his book

"Do you, Kim Taehyung take Park Y/n as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked

"Yes, I do" No, he didn't

"Do you, Park Y/n take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband ?" The priest asked me

"Yes, I do" No, I didn't either

"Now I declare you both as lawfully wedded husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" The priest announced and my hands started sweating. Was I really going to loose my first kiss to someone I don't love? Taehyung walked closer to me as he moved closer to my ear before whispering,

"I won't kiss you without your permission" with that he placed a peck on my cheeks trying to show like we actually kissed. The ceremony was over as we were greeted by our parents

"Take care of my daughter, son" My dad said

"I will, sir" Taehyung replied as if he was really going to do that

"Take her home, she must be tired" Mrs. Kim said as Taehyung nodded before helping me reach the parking lot. Finally, I managed to get in the car with this long and heavy wedding dress, I sighed

"To my house" Mr. Kim instructed the driver as the driver nodded and started driving

"You shouldn't have worn this heavy dress if you can't manage it" Mr. Kim spoke making me look at him quiet confused


"No need to force yourself and follow such tradition. Your level of comfortableness matters the most" He spoke as I nodded. Somehow, I felt a bit relieved.

[Time skip: Taehyung's house]

I've been to Mr. Kim's house before but today, it looked more lavish and kind of royal. I followed Mr. Kim inside while he instructed the maid to get my luggage and arrange it in my room. Climbing the stairs, we stopped in front of a room which was supposedly Mr. Kim's room

"This is my-... our room. I've asked the maid to get your luggage here" He spoke as I nodded. I entered the room and the room was huge!

"I'll- sleep on the couch" He spoke as I nodded

"I'm going to take a shower" I finally managed to speak as he nodded

"After we both freshen up.. let's discuss about the meeting at the office" He said as I nodded

"Mr. Kim, my laptop-" I was cut off when he spoke

"When we are home... you can call me Taehyung... Mr. Kim at home sounds a bit... weird" He spoke clearing his throat but it was weird for me to call him Taehyung

"I'll try" I replied

[Time skip: 10pm]

"Finally! The presentation is done! I'm so tired!" Taehyung said stretching his arms in the air while I continued to go through the documents

"Y/n..." he called out. This was the first time, he called me by my name

"Yes?" I replied

"Let's go to sleep. We have an important meeting tomorrow" He said as I nodded. Taking a blanket and pillow, he walked up to the couch while I made myself comfortable in the bed. The bed was quiet big for me. Soon, I drifted into dreamland

[Time skip: Early morning]

I was woken by my phone ringing. Who calls this early in the morning? Rubbing my eyes, I reached onto my phone on the nightstand

"Hello?" I spoke in a sleepy voice

"Y/n! How are you!" The person on the other side spoke but I was too sleepy to recognize the voice

"Who are you?" I replied, my eyes barely opened

"You forgot me!? It's me, Yoongi" The person on the other side spoke as my eyes shot open

"OH MY FREAKING GOD! You didn't forget me?" I asked in a teasing way

"Why will I forget you huh? By the way, I'm in Seoul" He replied

"No way! I can't wait to meet you!" I said in excitement

"Me too! Let's meet at a Café at 4pm okay?" He said as I hummed in response. Disconnecting the call, I looked around to find Taehyung sleeping peacefully but he looked uncomfortable. Shrugging off my thoughts, I went over to take a shower and freshen up.

After taking a shower, my body was relaxed. Drying my hair, I opened the door just when I bumped into something or maybe someone. Looking up, I found Taehyung with a cold yet scary glare

"You scared me" I said in a dramatic way trying to figure out why was he standing like that and giving me such a glare

"Who was that?" He blurted out making me quiet confused


"The guy you were talking on phone. Was he your..... boyfriend...?"

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