ep. 10 ~ concocting

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Luna didn't like hiding from people, it made her feel small and trapped. it didn't matter who those people were. unfortunately she had had to hide from people for a long time now - it just seemed to be getting a more common occurrence lately.

fucking pogues roping her into shit.

she wouldn't change it for the world.

john b was wholly confused as to why luna b had stayed outside, ducked down by that window and stayed out of their discussions about the sompass. he couldn't see how it felt wrong for her to set foot in that room. even if she had explained it he probably wouldn't wouldn't understand.

and now his heart beat with fear for her: fear at her being trapped out there, barely hidden and alone.

the others seemed to have barely registered what was going on, let alone luna's current predicament.


"john routledge!" was the shout from the front of the porch, the two 'hombre's' as jj had oh so fondly dubbed them approached the chateau.

i can feel my muscles shaking as i focus all my attention on staying so close to the ground i'm nearly invisible. they haven't seen me so far - i have to keep it that way. thankfully they haven't looked around too much on their approach and i can hide mostly by keeping the noise to a minimum.

i don't know what's happening in b's dads office and frankly, right now, i don't want to. i just want them to make it out of there.

the men continue to shout, periodically smashing things as they make their way inside the house. i release a breath i didn't know if been holding, thankful for my practiced hiding abilities. then, keeping low enough to avoid being seen out of a window of any sort i manage a jolting run up to the window of the office.

my legs are shaking (and not in a good way). my breath is shallow, almost painful.
they better have found a way out.

"hey, hey! guys!" i frantically ask jj and pope as they pull hopelessly at the window frame, "please tell me that opens?"

"it's been painted over." jj replies tersely, his eyes wide and hands shaking. maybe jj maybank can be rattled after all.

"so it doesn't open?" i push, glancing around the group desperately. kie's shaking her head frantically.

"no it doesn't open!" jj snaps, throwing his hands up in exasperation. pope keeps pulling at the window. b has his back pressed up against the door and appears the calmest out of the group but i can almost see his pulse fluttering in his neck. he's as scared as the rest of us, maybe more so.

i don't blame him.

pushing down the urge to let go and just panic i set about searching for something, anything that might sort this out right now. the panic starts to bubble up again when i think there's nothing. shouting and crashing echoes throughout the house.
then i spot it. a shaft of wood, splintered but generally sturdy looking. i subconsciously flex my hand, the hand that's still bandaged, still healing from the boat yesterday. it feels like a distant memory.

but i don't hesitate long before wrapping both my hands around the wood and hefting it up into a batting position.

"get back." i hiss through the window, shouting it when no one listens. the two men aren't going to hear me over their own shouting anyway.

tides | jj maybank x ocWhere stories live. Discover now