ep. 11 ~ lighthouses, lies, and the lonely

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There's something to be said for the "forgive and forget motto". Luna B had always believed that, if you could "forgive and forget" then you should do so and move on in peace. but, she herself has always had a problem with the "forget" part of that motto. the part that you needed in order to fully let things go. because you can move on and heal by just forgiving, forgiveness is the key in that regard, but if you don't forget then you just cannot let it go.

Luna B and John B had, unknowingly, found another similarity in that regard. they were both trying to move on, to heal, but neither of them could let go.

for better or for worse that's just how they were as people, within themselves. so luna could find no other solution in the given situation than to support john b, whatever he was hoping to find.

the rest of the group had differing view points on the topic but, because both siblings knew this, neither sibling gave them a chance to voice this.


watching jj and pope toss a ratty tennis ball back and forth between the pair of them was oddly entertaining. i have to admit my initial disappointment at being left behind with the two boys i'd barely know a week was fading quickly as pope greatly misjudged the distance between them and sent the tennis ball careening into some bushes off to the side. jj followed with a whining "pope" and a withering look at his friend. i can't help the laugh that bubbles it's way out of my throat.

i kick my heels together harder as i sit in the opening to the back of the twinkie and look up at the lighthouse, waiting for jj to return with the tennis ball.

the three of us had been left down here on the basis of jj being unpredictable and pope being the voice of reason that would, sooner or later balance him out, and me being there to try and calm pope down if he got panicky about the whole thing. basically a dream team, right?

well, in terms of surveillance that is. john b and kiara had gone up the lighthouse as the actual detective dream team.

i couldn't hold that against them though, they did work pretty well together. he was her best friend after all. i wanted to be bitter about that in some regard but i couldn't quite bring myself to. i understood why he was and why i both simultaneously and separately wasn't.

i can hear jj muttering incoherently in the bushes and, every so often, throwing mock angry comments back at pope. pope however just laughed, even as he'd now turned his attention to his scholarship essay. he was writing it on a beat up looking exercise book he had lent on his knee but you couldn't deny the way his eyes lit up when he was doing it. pope was passionate about this; he really, really wanted this scholarship and the life it would lead him towards. he deserved it too, i could tell.

all the same it was nice to see him somewhat relaxed, he seemed to be finding a balance right now and i was weirdly proud of him for that. he doesn't seem like someone who typically balances work and play very well.

and, unfortunately, he won't get to do it for much longer today it seems. the faint sounds of sirens catches my attention, "guys.." i start in an attempt to catch their attention before we have any chance of being seen.

when the car comes round the bend and into view, all flashing lights and blaring sirens i know we have to move. it has the boys attention now anyway and by the time i've slammed the back door shut the twinkies already speeding off.

tides | jj maybank x ocWhere stories live. Discover now