ep. 21 ~ getting the gang back together

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john b had never thought he was that important to his friends, he knew they loved him and he knew they would always been there, one way or another, but he wasn't prepared for the way they had somewhat unravelled without him. He wasn't even sure they realised it had happened. Wasn't even sure he really deserved the credit for keeping them together, felt guilty for even thinking it.

But JJ? JJ knew it was true. John b had been his rock, his best friend, his partner in crime for years. jj knew how much he needed him, how much they all did.

And they all had missed him.


(Luna B)
By the time we get to Rixton's Cove i can physically feel myself slowing down. my body lagging behind everyone else. Just a little bit.

I'm grateful when we reach the circle and john b crouches down, sorting the fire out in the middle, ready to light it.

the rest of us find a seat, jj eventually sitting down on the log behind me after loitering around john b for a minute or two, trying to figure out how to be useful. i'm glad he does.

i lean back against him, just a little, to test the waters. his hands settle on my shoulders and he guides me back so i'm lent half on the log and half on him, sat down between his feet. i breath out deep as i let my body settle into the damp, rough ground, my head dropping onto one of jj's thighs.

it's a good reminder that i haven't eaten for several days now, too busy being holed up in my house, angry at the world.

my hands shake as i light up a cigarette, staring numbly into the flames starting to lick at the wood by my feet.

john b steps back and surveys the circle of our faces, set in anticipation. he looks nervous but bright with energy. the gold? his dad? i don't know.

from the looks on everyone else's faces; nor to they.

i take another drag from my cigarette, letting my eyes slip closed as jj's hand settles into playing with the hair at the nape of my neck. after a minute, when i'm shaking so bad i can't even bring the cig to my lips, jj takes it off me. i don't protest.

"hey guys," pope finally breaks the quiet that's settled over us, always anxious to get to the point, "so like my dad's already gonna kill me; you gotta tell me what this mandatory meetings about?"

john b hesitates, looking to jj for reassurance.

"might as well tell him man, before we're gaffed." jj shoots back, nonplused. he fingers tug at my scalp a little, then escape and return to smooth it down. he gets into a little rhythm with this as john b starts to talk. i have to try very hard to focus on john b's voice over jj's hands.

"the gold never went down with the royal merchant." john b says, all soft and dramatic.

Pope is the first of the confused faces to cast his frustrated doubt, "here we go again with this shit.."

john b slowly raises a finger too his lips, ever the picture of hope, and jj sits forwards a little. His hand brushes down the side of my neck, and i can't help but lean into that soft, anchoring touch.

"just- hear him out."

"it's been here the whole time." john b looks certain and bright eyed, face lit up by the fire before us, "it's on the island."

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