Chapter 10

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Author pov

Nara is on the way to the building with Yeonsang. She really enjoyed riding her cousin's motorbike, the best feeling of the cold breeze hitting her face every second. While her hair was flying because of the heavy wind. Yeonsang stopped his motorbike in front of the Hybe building and waved her goodbye before twisting back the handle and drove off. Nara sighed as she presses the door code before entering.

Meanwhile Heeseung...

Heeseung was busy wearing the black coat but suddenly his eyes travelled to something he doesn't wanted to see. It's Nara, with the unknown guy yesterday. See, they looked close. He was zoning for almost a minute until someone pats her shoulders.

"Hyung-ah, what are you staring at? Is there a dancing elephant?", Ni-ki said making Heeseung clears his throat.

"Nothing, I just enjoyed the view from up here", Heeseung said, and walked towards the fitting room.

He looked at himself on the huge mirror. He let out a heavy sigh and sat down the floor.

"What was I thinking?", said Heeseung to himself.

"Hyung -ah what are you doing? Come out", Ni-ki said and knocked on the door.

"Yes, yes I just wanted to fix my jeans", Heeseung replied and opened the door.

"Nara Noona is here, she'll be waiting for you at the styling room, I will get going now", Ni-ki said and walked away.

Nara's pov

I put all the makeup items on the table and waited for Heeseung to show up. Honestly, I'm nervous because this is a photoshoot. That makeup must be perfect and beautiful, right? I looked at the photo that Mr. Choi gave me. I have to recreate this look, it looks kind of easy but I'm still nervous about it. Suddenly, I saw Mrs. Jo with Jiyeon. It looks they're arguing. I was about to go towards them until Mrs. Jo came towards my direction.

"What's with all the fuss, Mrs. Jo?", I calmly asked.

"It's.....ugh....Jiyeon disagreed to do Jake's makeup look, it's because Jake's and Sunoo's makeup look is much harder and longer to do than the others, she wanted to exchange with someone who can do Jake's makeup", she said and breath uncomfortably. I heard that she's his niece so that's why he gave up arguing with her.

"Can I see the makeup look photo?", I asked as she grabs something on her pocket and gave it to me.

Hm, it really looks much harder than Heeseung's makeup look.....I thought Jiyeon is a 'professional'. I'm sure I have this blue glitters in my collection. Maybe I can help?

"Mrs. Jo, I think I can help, I've done this makeup look before", I confidently said as her face brightens up.

"Are you sure? Oh thank you Nara! You are my life saver, I'll tell Jiyeon about it", she said and rushed towards the middle room.

I smiled and packed all of my makeup items. I went straight to Jiyeon's makeup place and rearrange back my makeup items. Jake is already there and frowned when he saw what I was doing.

"Nara? What brings you here?", Jake asked as I smiled.

"Well, I had to exchange with Jiyeon for today since you're makeup look is harder then the others, she doesn't want to I think", I said and sat on my seats.

"Yay! I'd always wanted you to be my makeup artist, it's okay if it's only today, but I'm excited", he said joyly making my eyes soften.

"Okay shall we start?", I asked as he nodded and brings his face closer.

Heeseung pov

I hurriedly went to Nara's place she's not there. I frowned. Did Ni-ki lied to me? Aish this kid, always pulling pranks....but oh....she's with...Jake? I saw Mrs. Jo coming in my way so I decided to asked her.

"Um Mrs. Jo, why's Nara with Jake?", I simply asked.

"Oh Heeseung-ah, well Nara and Jiyeon exchange positions because Jiyeon disagreed to do Jake's makeup, so Nara will take over it, are you okay with that?", she explained. I exhaled...and took a few minutes for me to respond.

"O-Oh...I'm okay with that, Mrs. Jo", I said as I fakely smiled.

Without any hesitation, I went to Nara's place and it's Jiyeon waiting for me.

"Oh Heeseungie~~sit, then I'll start the makeup!", she said but what I can only do is smile weakly.

A few minutes later....

The whole makeover, I can't focus on Jiyeon. I kept glancing over Nara and Jake, they looked so I really jealous right now?

Nara's pov

I slowly brush the blue glitter on his eyes and blow a bit of it. I smiled when I've finally done the makeup look.

"How do you look?", I asked as I gave him a hand mirror with cute baby teddy bear on it.

"How do you look?", I asked as I gave him a hand mirror with cute baby teddy bear on it

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He smiled and nodded as response.

"Yes, it looks so real! I love it!", Jake said while slowly touching the blue glitter.

I closed the glitter palette and exhaled. Then I accidentally make an eye contact with Heeseung. He quickly avoid an eye contact when he saw me. He looked down and his expression is weird, I've never seen him like this before.....

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