Chapter 26

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Nara's pov

"I....I had a ba--AHHH!", I screamed when I heard the door swung open. Seeing a guy standing there as he opens the light.

"Jungwon?", Jiyeon said.

"What's with all the screaming?", he worriedly asked.

"I think Nara got fever-nightmares.....", Jiyeon said.

"Thank god nothing bad happens.....all of us was about to go to our dorms, I forgot to take my earphones at the next room and I suddenly heard a scream which scares me a lot", he said.

"I-I'll bring a water for you", Jiyeon said and was about to go until I grabbed her wrist.

"D-don't leave me....", I said with a shaky voice.

"I'll accompany you", Jungwon said.

"Really? You guys was about to go to your dorms right?", I asked.

"Nah it's okay, I'll wait here for a minute, they still hasn't finish packing", he said as I nodded and he sat besides me.

"Wait here okay", Jiyeon said and walked out.

"It's okay Nara, I will protect you....", he softly said and smiled. Suddenly a noise of a thunder strikes making me flinched...Without realizing....I was gripping on Jungwon's hand

"I.....I'm sorry", I said and let go of his hands.

"That's okay.....if it makes you feel safe, just hold my hand", he said and hold my hand. He smiled. (I WAS BLUSHING WHILE WRITING THIS WTH)


Sunoo's POV

I grabbed my charger from the table and walked towards Heeseung hyung.

"Hyung, where's Jungwon? We're going now", I said.

"I think he's taking his earphones, let's go find him", he replied as I nodded and followed him from behind.

We went towards the hallway and opens the door. It's dark and I thought maybe he had gone upstairs. But suddenly we heard someone chatting. It's in the medical room. Heeseung went near the medical room's door as he froze in place.

"Hyung, wha-", I stopped when I knew what he's seeing. Jungwon is holding Nara's hand? Heeseung's face became serious.

"Let's go", he said and walked away.

"Hyung, you're just going to walk away?", I accidentally raised my voice.

"Oh? Heeseung, Sunoo. Sorry Nara got scared so-", without finishing his words, Heeseung interrupted.

"No one cares, let's just go", Heeseung said and walked away. Jungwon and I look at each other as I pulled his sleeves.

"What were you doing? Holding hands with her?", I whisper yelled.

"She got scared so I help her to calm herself down", he answered.

"Heeseung hyung just saw you, he wouldn't be happy about it...." I said.

"Ah right....I forgot...I'm so stupid...", he said and face palming himself.

"That's okay, just tell him about it and apologise, he wouldn't be mad for long", I patted his shoulders and walked away.


Someone's POV

"Ugh come on you're too slow! Find her information as soon as possible!", I whined as he quickly typed on his keyboard.

"Found it! She is working as a makeup artist for a kpop group-", I cut out his words.

"How lovely......she must be rich", I smirked.

"Of course she is......I heard that she's cousins with the son of the Gold Aqua CEO!", the guy said.

"Well....I guess she's quite interesting....", he perks his lips.

"Let's use her, she's probably innocent and dumb!", I said and laughed.

"Great idea.....", all of them said.


Nara's POV

I woke up as I heard my phone ring. It's a call from Yeonsang. My alarm was just about to ring in five minutes. Well, he woke me up 5 minutes early. I felt better now though, thankfully my fever isn't that bad. I came home immediately yesterday after Enhypen left to their dorms.

*on the phone*

Yeonsang: Hello Naranie!

Me: *yawns* hello...

Yeonsang: Still on your bed? Aish get up lazy polar bear! I ordered some food for you. It will arrive any soon now. Don't forget to share with your mom.

Me: oh my god really?! Thanks!

Yeonsang: alright, tell me when you enjoyed eating, bye!

I got up from my bed and hurriedly went downstairs like a cheetah. If it comes to food, I will be faster than sonic. I opened the door and walked outside, waiting for the foods to arrive. He always buys me and mom foods even though we didn't asked to.

"Nara what are you doing out there?", asked mom who was busy mopping the floor.

"Foods! Yeonsang bought us foods again!", I said.

"Aigoo that boy", mom shook her head before continue mopping the floor.

I chuckled and turned my attention back to the front gate. Then, the rider arrived with out foods as I quickly ran towards him without any hesitation.

"Thank you!", I grabbed all the plastic and ran inside the house.

"What did he bought?", mom asked before placing the mop on the floor, making her way towards me.

"There's a lot mom....look at it", I said and walked towards the kitchen to grab some utensils for me and mom.

"Oh mom, where's the chopstick that aunt gave us?", I asked as I placed the utensils on the dining table.

"Oh yeah. It's on top of my wardrobe. I didn't know where to put", mom chuckled.

"Can I use it? I will take it", I said as mom nodded as response.

I ran upstairs and immediately make my way towards mom's bedroom. I reached on a box, too lazy to use the ladder. Suddenly the box dropped on top of my head, creating a noise. I groaned and looked down the floor. I thought it would be chopsticks but there's bunch of....letters?

I took one of it and decided to read it since I let my curiosity took the best of me.

My heart....immediately dropped when I read the first sentences


Gangnam, Seoul
date: XX.X.2021

Hi Chae,
How are you and Nara's doing? I hope my daughter is doing just fine. I've looked at the picture Yeonsang took. She's getting even more prettier just like you. I had transferred the money to Yeonsang to buy her a new phone. I hope she likes it.



This letter is just weeks ago....


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