Chapter 28

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Heeseung's pov

I sat at the living room alone while the others are busy chatting. Suddenly, I felt someone patting my shoulders making me turn my body.

"Hyung", it's Jungwon.

"What do you want?", I said coldly.

"Yah hyung, don't be mad at me please, I swear I was just helping her yesterday. I even told you about it yesterday but you didn't respond. Hyung, please don't ignore me like this, I'm sorry. I promise, I treat her like my own sister, not more than that", he explained. I took a deep breathe and began to speak.

"I guess I'm being too sensitive about it, Jungwon it's not your fault, I understand. You are like a brother to me, I trust you", I smiled and gave him a big hug. I felt bad for ignoring him. I can't sulk for long, his sad face makes me feel bad.

"You guys good?", a voice spoke and it's Sunoo.

"Of course we are", Jungwon replied as I chuckled.

"Okay good, Nara is taking her day off for one day, don't miss her", Sunoo sarcastically said.

"Yah", I glared at him.

Why does my members likes to tease me?

"Oh hyung manager-nim told me about our performance. We need a female lead for the cover. Why don't we take Nara?", Jungwon spoke again. I gave him a questioned look.

"Nara? Why? Is that allowed? She's just a makeup artist", I said.

"I will ask manager-nim. But let's discuss with other members later", he said.

"Alright", I nodded.

Nara female lead? Is that possible?


The next day...

Heeseung's POV

We were casually chatting in the living room. I was kind of bored, I don't know why. Even though mu members are in front of me, my life felt uncompleted. Suddenly we heard the door opens making all of us bring our attention at the front door. Unexpectedly, it's Nara. I quickly got up from the sofa.

"Oh hi Nara! Why did you come here?", Sunoo rushed towards her and took all the plastic bags from her hand. I didn't expect her to show up....

"Mrs. Jo told me that you guys need some groceries, she's busy so I decided to help her, she gave me the location too, this place is huge, like a penthouse", she said while looking around.

"Thank you Nara, wanna have breakfast together? You can cook with us if you want", Jungwon said as she cutely nods.

Me, Nara, Sunoo and Jungwon went to the kitchen to cook for breakfast. I can't make it obvious that I was shocked to see her, just act normal.

"Nara, you can cut the carrots-", Sunoo was about to finish his words until I cut him off.

"No, I'll do it, Nara you can do something else......which is not using any sharp things", I said and grabbed the knife.

"Oh okay", she simply said and take out the chilli paste from the fridge.

"Are you doing well?", I asked.

"Yup...", she nodded. I find her so cute. Actually I was so excited when she came....I felt bright.

I slowly cut the carrots while Nara was talking with Jungwon. The jealousy came back as I couldn't focus of what I'm doing until something sharp hit my finger making me groan in pain.

"Heeseung-ah!", Nara hurriedly grabbed a tissue and covers my finger with it.

"No it's okay, it's just a scratch", I said.

"Yes it is, but it must hurt a lot, just sit here and I'll cut the carrots", she said as I nodded.

Why am I being so awkward? Stop humiliating yourself Heeseung ugh!


Nara's pov


All of us finished cooking an now, my favorite part! I placed the plate on the table while Sunoo is calling the others to come downstairs. After a few minutes all of them came downstairs.

"Oh Nara is here too? Hi nara!", Jake said as I smiled and waved.

All of us sat on our seats an began to munch on the foods.

"Oh Nara, are you coming to the concert this weekend?", Jay asked.

"Of course I am! I can't wait to watch the kpop groups performance!", I said while clapping my hands.

"Only them? What about us? Aren't you excited to see our performance?", Heeseung pouted.

"Yah.....of course I'm excited! I will scream out loud on your performance!", I scrunched my nose as they all laughed.

"Guess what, at the performance we will be performing BTS boy in luv, we really need a female lead, how about you join us?", Jungwon said making me choke on the rice cake.

"W-what....?", my eyes are wide open.

"Jungwon's right, manager-nim said we can take on of the staff as our female lead, we haven't decide it yet, will you be the one?", Heeseung said as I nervously chuckled.

"U-uh....I've never been on I might ruining the performance haha....", I chuckled once again.

"No it's okay, you don't have to sing or what, you just have to show up there as our special flower girl, you know how boy in luv music video right? Like giving a flower?", Jake said as I nodded slowly as a sign that I understood his words.

"We'll practice together, don't worry", Jay said and smiled.

"We aren't forcing you, if you don't want to then it's okay", Heeseung said.

"I'll join! Well, I can't miss this opportunity right?", I smiled as they all 'yay' at the same time.

"Are you guys done eating? Let's rock paper and scissors to decide who will clean this up", Niki said as all of them brings their hands up. I joined them.

"Rock, paper, scissors!", said everyone.

After one by one person's out, and there's only Jungwon and Niki.

"Rock, paper, scissors!", said both of them.

"HAHA, you have to clean this up", Jungwon said while pointing at Niki teasingly.

"I regret suggesting it.....", Niki sighed making all of us laughed.

"Wanna practice now?", Heeseung ask.

"Sure!", I replied.

"Hey wait for me!", Niki squealed as all of us chuckled and hurriedly went towards the practice room leaving him behind.

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