Chapter 57 (end) 🥺

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Heeseung's pov

I waited for Nara patiently. She's going to the restroom for a moment. There are many people had arrived. I'm so nervous.

"Heeseung? Where is Nara?", Mr.Choi came while holding a selfie stick.

"Oh she-there she is", I said while pointing at her direction when I saw her coming in our way. She notices me and waved.

Mr. Choi smiled at Nara and motioned her to come inside. He went out and close the blinds, now it's only me and Nara. I cleared my throat as she began to unload her makeup items.

"I'll shall begin with this cushion powder", she said. I nodded as response.

She began to apply some powder on my face softly.

"Close your eyes", she said as I close my eyes.

"Powder done, you're already handsome so now I'll apply some lipstick and it is the last", she smiled making me blush.

"And, you don't need blusher", she chuckled.

I looked away. It makes me go crazy, my cheeks are red as tomato now.

"Aigoo, stopp.....", I covered my face with my palm.

"Yah, come on let me apply the lipstick", Nara said while holding my head.

I smirked and kept moving my head on purpose until she got annoyed.

"Yah Hee, you're going to mess your makeup", she chuckled. I held her by her waist as she gasped. She looked down and blushed. I know, she couldn't hide it because of my handsomeness.

"Stay still okay? I'm trying to put on the lipstick", she shook her head and held my head once again.

"Just put it on your lips and kiss me...."

I stared at her and I could tell that she's nervous.

"Stop playing, the others will hear us...", she said while peeking through the blinds.

"The others is busy, they have no time to stalk us, please?", I pouted as she sighed.

"Okay fine....", she opened the lipstick and grabbed a hand mirror. She began to apply the lipstick attractively. She's so beautiful....I'm so lucky...

"Okay", she finished the lipstick and look at me. I smiled in excitement.

I bring my face closer to her face as I close my eyes. She gave me a peck on my lips. I pulled her by her waist making her gasped. I smirked and gave her a peck on her lips again. Suddenly, she cupped my cheeks with her tiny hands, and gave me many pecks on my cheeks and forehead. I was so shocked.

"Okay done?", she hands me the hand mirror while trying to hold her laugh. I looked at her confused before looking at the mirror. My eyes widens when I saw the lipstick stains are all over my face.

"Told you. You asked for it", she laughed.

"Okay okay, fix it please", I pouted as she nods and began to fix it.

She wipes the lipstick that is all over my face. As she was applying the lipstick, I stared at her beautiful features. She's like an angel to me... I snapped out from my thoughts when the blind opens.

"Are you ready?", Jungwon appeared as I nodded and stood up.

"Thank you, Nara......for the kiss", I winked at her and walked out.



Nara's pov

I sat at the staff's seat and watched their performance. I can't help it, I always make an eye contact with Heeseung. He makes me blush all the the time. I don't want to make it obvious here, engenes might attack me....

Their performance finished and now its the time for their speech, or talking something like that.

"Hi Malaysian engenes!", all the enha's shouted as everyone began to shout 'Hi enhypen'.

I smiled.

They had a long talk with engenes. I couldn't stop smiling. Suddenly I heard something fell besides me, it's a phone.

"Hey can you get it for me?", someone asked, it's a girl wearing a frog headband.

I smiled and grab the phone then gave it to her. Suddenly she gasped making me look at her confused.

"Are you Kim Nara?!", she covers her mouth as my eyes widens. SHE KNOWS ME?

"Y-Yeah why?", I stuttered.

"I followed you on instagram! You're more prettier in real life!", she said.

"Awh that's so sweet!", I smiled.

"You're Kim Nara?! Oh my god hi!", one of her friends waved as I chuckled and waved her back.

"Can we take a selfie?", she asked.

"Sure!", I said and went closer to her.

*click* *click* *click*



"Nara have many fans now huh?", Jungwon spoke as I chuckled.

"So this is how it feels to be popular....", I said as all of them laugh.

"I'm sooooo tired, I want to sleep", Jay said while stretching his arms.

"We had fun with engenes today...", Heeseung said.

"Guys! I heard there's an amusement park, you want to go tomorrow and have more fun? Tomorrow is our last day here though", Sunoo said as we looked at each other and nodded.

"Let's Gaurrrrr", Jake jumped.

I walked to Heeseung and hugged him as the others left.

"You know you love me....", he smirks.

"Do I?"


"Yes I do"

Heeseung chuckled.

"I never regretted knowing you, I'm grateful that you came into my life, I don't know how's my life going to be if you didn't show up....I will never leave you, you make my day shine, you are my happiness, the first day we met, I can't get my eyes off you.....I kept thinking of you.....and with all of my heart......

"I love you....Kim Nara...."




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