A little bit of history

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You have finished a deliciously scented bath and have dried your hair before putting it in a braid you now have a hunger which has taken you over, you put on a comfortable all green outfit you have gathered from the closet before making your way down to the kitchen to grab some libations.

You have finished a deliciously scented bath and have dried your hair before putting it in a braid you now have a hunger which has taken you over, you put on a comfortable all green outfit you have gathered from the closet before making your way d...

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You've made a sandwich and once you have devoured it you decide to take a stroll around the compound, you find yourself in one of the largest libraries you have been blessed to visit.

As you browse you find yourself being drawn towards the classics you comb through them all remarkable words penned by beautiful artists dickens, Austen beautiful stories you would lose yourself in throughout your youth you count your blessings that your education included the works of amazing Midgardian literary geniuses,
As you comb through the books you find yourself stopping in front of the works of Shakespeare you close your eyes and rub your fingers along the spine of the books reminiscing thinking how you would do this to help you decide what to read next.

"We are such stuff as dreams are made on and our little life is rounded with a sleep"

"The tempest, Loki I was unaware anyone else was here you startled me," you say opening your eyes with a giggle
"How long have you been lurking there," you ask taking a hold of Romeo and Juliet and walking towards him

"I do not lurk my dear I linger and seeing you grazing your delicate fingers across the books brought me back to childhood, I stood there and felt like the young boy who waited excitedly for you to select a book so we could go and read together in the gardens" he replies with a smile grasping what appears to be an original copy of crime and punishment

"Well shall we relive our youths, although I do not wish to read in the garden, shall we take a seat and read together as we did in days gone by" you propose smiling at him sweetly

He says nothing just heads in the direction of a nearby leather couch, he sits down before patting his lap an invitation for you to rest your head, you make your way over to where Loki sits you lie down placing your head delicately on his lap he holds his book in one hand and strokes your hair with the other. You both begin reading feeling content in the comfortable silence that embraces you both.

2 hours later

You are both completely enthralled in the words of Shakespeare and Dostoevsky that you do not hear the library door open and footsteps approaching.

"Oh, great I found you" a sweet voice exclaims. You tilt your head back on Loki's lap and meet the gaze of a sweetly smiling wanda

"What's up" You reply noticing Loki hasn't shifted his glare from the pages in front of him

"Nearly everyone has left the compound and I hoped you would like to spend some time with me," wanda asks angelically

"Yeah sure that sounds like fun" you answer grabbing a hold of Loki's chin to make him look at you "if you don't mind"

"Do as you wish I shall remain here with my book" Loki acknowledges seeming a little disappointed by your departure

You gently kiss his cheek before leaving the library with wanda

"So what do you want to do?" You query of Wanda

"Um perhaps we could head for a forest walk get some air in our lungs" she responds with a laugh

"Let's do it"

You have been walking for a while just making casual conversation when you come to an opening that looks onto a beautiful lake you both decide to sit alongside it and take in the glorious view

"So how long have you know Loki and thor" wanda ask inquisitively

"We grew up together I spent a lot of time on Asgard throughout my youth" you state smiling at the memories that fill your mind "we would play together around the Palace, we would duel one another in the courtyard and frolic throughout the gardens"

"You and Loki seem very close" wanda continues

"Yes, I love both he and Thor but Loki and I always had something deeper he always viewed me as his equal which he doesn't tend to do" "we would spend endless hours in the gardens posed under a tree with a book in hand getting lost in the written word" "I know he can be cold and callous but deep down he's sweet and gentle" you express with your words full of passion

"Although I hurt him once" you add your smile fading "we were young, in our late teens we had agreed to meet in the gardens under our favourite willow tree he was late I sat there for what felt like an eternity and then Thor appeared" you pause briefly before continuing "Thor sat beside me asking why I looked so forlorn he reached his hand out to mine I knew what he was thinking I always know what they are thinking but before I knew it he had kissed me" " he was only brief but when he removed himself I saw Loki standing there his eyes full of anger and sadness and before I could speak he was gone"

"Oh Freyja I don't know what to say" Wanda utters reaching her arm around you to provide comfort

"He didn't speak to or look at me for what felt like a lifetime, my heart truly hurt every time I thought about his face when he saw us" you note wiping a tear from your eye "and then I walked in on him with one of his mother's handmaidens, he just looked at me and said nothing" "after that we went back to some kind of normal" "I began embracing the title of goddess of love and sex by involving myself with whomever I saw fit and on many, an occasion Loki became that person" you profess feeling sad after having discussed something so personal

"Have you ever spoken about it with him?" Wanda poses

"No, and I don't intend to we both know what we are and where we stand so why bring up the past that is long since forgotten" you insist getting up from the ground preparing to return to the compound

Your walk back is quiet but content you feel closer to wanda now that she knows a little piece of your history.

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