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Meadows Outfit

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Meadows Outfit

Meadows Outfit

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Meadows POV

"What about Macaria?" Meadows questioned as her and Jasper sat in the living room of their home.

"How and the hell am I supposed to spell that?" He questioned raising her eyebrow.

"Sooo that's a no?" She questioned tilting her head.

"Yeah that's a no," He sighed with a smile. "What about Joy?" He questioned.

"That's so basic!" She complained throwing her head back.

"What's basic?" Bella questioned as Bree helped her walk down the stairs of their home. Since Bella and Edward got back Bella had been staying with them.

It was Jaspers idea to let Bella stay with them. He thought Edward would need space, and Bella didn't need to be around him right now cause it would only upset her.

"We're trying to figure out girl names," Jasper told her.

"And Jasper wants something nice and simple but I want something unique," Meadow told her as Bree helped Bella sit down beside her.

"Do you know for a fact it's a girl?" Bella asked placing a hand on her stomach.

"No," Meadow answered with a sigh. Jasper wanted to know the gender of the baby but according to the ultrasound Carlisle did the machine can't see anything.

"Well then don't argue over girl names, think about some boy ones," Bella told them as she opened up her book.

"Bree honey do you have any name suggestions?" Meadow asked bringing her daughter to sit beside of her.

"Umm I like the name Henry for a boy. No girl name cause I don't think it's gonna be a girl," she shrugged.

"Why don't you think it's gonna be a girl?" Bella asked grabbing Brees hand. Bree and Bella have grown extremely close since Bella's been back. Hope moved into Stefanies room since Stefanie lives with Alice, and since Bella needed a place to stay she's been staying with Bree. Bree has taken it upon herself to be with Bella at all times. This pregnancy was clearly dangerous for Bella but since Bree had a healing power she could take care of her. Something Edward choose to ignore about his niece was that she could save Bella.

"I just have a feeling I'm getting a brother," Bree smiled with a shrug.

"Have you picked out any names?" Jasper asked Bella as he sat down beside Meadow.

"EJ for a boy, Edward Jacob. For a girl I was playing around with my moms name and Esmes. I really like the name Renesmee," Bella told them with a smile.

"That's adorable Bella," Meadow encouraged happily.

"It's nice having you guys, I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have my best friend to go through this with me," Bella confessed.

"Aww," Meadow cooed as tears started coming to her eyes.

"Mom are you crying?" Bree giggled.

"Stupid freaking hormones," Meadow grumbled wiping her eyes. "Ok group hug," She said throwing her arms out, Bree and Jasper immediately hugged her but Bella looked hesitant.

"It's ok Bella, with Meadow around I don't feel the want to kill you. Perks of having her as a mate, no bloodlust," Jasper smirked as he gently grabbed Bella's hand and pulled her into the hug.

After they broke apart Jasper was sent to the store to get mint chocolate chip ice cream, pickles, and stop by Wendy's to get burgers and fries. While Bree and Bella watched Harry Potter.

Meadow on the other hand had a different plan. She marched over to......well it was more of waddled her way over to the Cullens house.

She didn't bother knocking because they were family. "Did you walk her by yourself? You need to sit down," Rosalie said as soon as she walked into the kitchen.

"I need to talk to Edward," she said crossing her arms.

"Ok but please sit down," Rosalie said grabbing a chair.

"I'll sit down when Edward walks his ass down here. I know he can hear me and my mind, so when he stops being a stubborn bastard and gets down here I'll sit down," she said crossing her arms.

She heard Rosalie mumble something about 'stupid stubborn tribrids' but Meadow didn't care. She simple crossed her arms and waited.

When Rosalie came back in she was dragging Edward by the ear. "Sit," she barked at the both of them. Meadow sat down with a happy smile and Edward did so sending a glare to his sister. Rosalie smiled back at Meadow and glared at Edward before leaving.

"You need to be there for Bella," Meadow said immediately.

"She's gonna die Meadow, that THING is killing her and she doesn't care how I feel about it," he scoffed rolling his eyes.

"Bree has a healing power and I know tons of witches who could bring her back even if she did die. You can turn her immediately after she gives birth. There's a bigger chance she'll live than you think. Stop calling your BABY a THING, Bella's gonna have YOUR child no matter what. Even if she does die permanently, you would end up hating yourself for putting her through so much emotional shit while being pregnant," Meadow told him as she reached out to place her hand on his.

"I don't want her to be like us, and I don't want to lose her," Edward sighed sadly.

"You won't lose her Edward, I promise. Her being like us or not is not your choice to make. The Volturi will kill her as soon as they can if she isn't one of you," Meadow sighed.

"Can't you stop them? Like you did after the fight," Edward asked looking at her with hopeful eyes.

"They'll just send someone else to do it while I'm not here to stop them. Edward she has to be turned, at least let her last moments being human be giving birth to yours and her child," Meadow reasoned.

"You're right," he sighed standing up. "I'm glad you're Jaspers mate, you make a really cool sister," he said pulling the pregnant woman into a hug.

"Thank you," she smiled wrapping her arms around him. "Now let's go see your wife and help pick out baby names,"

What are some baby names suggestions? 🤔

What gender do you think the baby will be?💖💙

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