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After we finish getting ready and head to the party we walk around blending into the crowd.

Well as much as you can blend in when you look as hot as we do. I notice the Cullens walk outside along with what I think are the shapeshifters. I nudge Hope and Stephanie and we follow them outside but make sure to stay in the shadows so they can't see us. I don't want them to know we are here until I decide.

"Alice, what did you see?" Bella asks looking at her worried.

"Okay, something is going on. Tell me," Jacob pretty much growls at the pixie like vampire. I notice to my left how Stephanie tenses and I can hear her growl a little herself.

"I... need to talk to Jasper," Alice says seemingly pushing aside Jacobs hostility. Jacob puts an arm against the wall, blocking her, and I have to grab Stephanies hand so she doesn't lunge at the young shapeshifter.

"Why don't you talk to me?" Jacob growls with a glare and I can feel Stephanie shaking in anger at the sight of how he is treating Alice. Suddenly Jasper is there and He has a lethal expression. All of sudden it's like my world just stops. The smell of pine and apple pie fill my nose and this time Stephanie has to hold me back from immediately going to my mate.

"I suggest you remove – your – arm. Before I do," Jasper growls and a shiver runs down my spine. Hope nudges my shoulder and wiggles her eyebrows at me, I playfully glare at her and return my attention back to the scene in front of me.

Jacob does so, slowly, and carefully. I smile at the intimidation my mate gave off. Is it wrong that I find his dominance extremely attractive?

"The decision's been made," Alice says sadly.

"What's going on? You're not going to Seattle?" Bellas asks worriedly.

"No... They're coming here," Alice says just as worried and concerned.

"How long?" Edward asks sounding worried but also determined to save his mate.

"They'll be here in four days," Alice answers matter a factly.

"This could turn into a blood bath," Carlisle says sounding sad about the idea. I've always admired that about him. No matter who wrongs him he would take no pleasure in killing them.

"Who's behind it?" Edward asks very seriously and I don't blame him.

"I didn't see anyone I recognize. Maybe one..." Alice answers unsure.

"I know his face. He's local, Riley Biers," Edward says confused. I notices Bella's eye as she recognizes the name, shaken obviously.

"He didn't start this," Edward replies confidently.

"Whoever did is staying out of the action," Alice replies looking between each person. I look at Hope and she seems to have come to the same conclusion as them. I already know it's some woman named victoria.

"They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision," Carlisle says bouncing around the idea in his head.

"Either way, the army is coming... ... and there aren't enough of us to protect the town," Jasper says and I can't help but notice his amazing honey southern accent. I want to get closer to him but I know I shouldn't reveal myself yet. Stephanie and Hope seem to notice my internal struggle because they both grab my shoulders to keep me in place. I look at them and nod to them in thanks, they nod back and smile to me.

"Hold up. What damn army?" Jacob asks extremely agitated. Stephanie seems to want to rip his head off already for how he treated Alice and now he is starting to piss me off by his attitude towards my mates family.

You might be thinking that I'm already a little too attached to my mate. Well vampires are already protective of their mates, and werewolves have anger issues and are extremely protective of their mates. That's 2/3rds of myself being completely and overly devoted to him and protecting him and what he cares about. I don't need to be a in relationship to feel this way. So if we do end up in a relationship my already possessive nature will be amplified and my entire life will be devoted to him. Crazy I know, but trust me when I say that I'm still gonna be myself. Just overly protective of my mate. Fun.

Carlisle and Edward share a look and Edward shakes his head no, but Carlisle decides differently "Newborns. Our kind," Carlisle gives a brief explanation.

"What are they after?" Embry asks crossing his arms obviously concerned.

"They were passing around Bella's scent. A red blouse," Alice explains confirming everyones suspicions that this is about Bella. I already knew this but at least I don't have to explain when I come out.

"They're after Bella?" Embry asks not wanting his suspensions to be true but everyone knows they are.

"What the hell does this mean?" Jacob asks. Is he dumb? What does it sound like.

"It means an ugly fight. With lives lost," Carlisle says softly and sadly. I can't relate. I know for a fact that none of them will die I won't allow it. I find no sadness in destroying who wants to hurt my mates family though.

The weight of it seems to land on all of them. Jacob shares a sober look with Embry and Quil. I already no what he's about to say and I think it's probably the best decision.

"Alright... We're in" Jacob says matter of factly leaving no room for argument but Bella starts one anyways.

"No. You'll get yourselves killed, no way," she says shaking her head raising her voice at him a little.

"I wasn't asking for permission," he glares at her which seems to shock her at first before she turns to Edward.

"Edward," Bella starts but Jacob cuts her off and starts talking to Edward directly.

"It means more protection for you" he says like a robotic love struck puppy. I don't want to be like that. I already love my mate but I'm not happy about the control he is going to have over me.

"Don't think about it that way. It's gonna be true love" Hope says through our mind link.

"Jacob," Bella starts again but this time is cut off by Carlisle.

"Do you believe Sam will agree to... an understanding?" Carlisle asks and from my research I've learned Sam is the alpha. I would never rush into a battle without knowing any and every variable.

"As long as we get to kill some vampires," Jacob says smugly with a smirk and I want to slap it off of him. Damn this whole mate thing is really making me more agitated.

"Jasper?" Carlisle asks. I wonder why he is asking for Jaspers input.

"They'll give us the numbers. And the newborns won't know they even exist. That'll give us an edge," he replies sounding extremely attractive. Wait how the hell can he sound attractive. I need to focus I came here to follow a job.

"We'll need to coordinate," Carlisle states seeming to have already made up his mind about the situation.

"Carlisle, they'll gonna get hurt," Bellas whines not entirely convinced.

"We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us. Alright," Carlisle says brushing Bellas comment aside.

"Name the time and place," Jacob says smugly.

"You can count us in," I say stepping out of the shadows along with Stephanie and Hope.

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