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I watch as Emmet gets flung across the field by Jasper. Oh my gosh he's perfect. Everything about him is perfect. I wonder what he looks like without...

"Oh my god, MEADOW REMEMBER THE MIND LINK, please stop," she screeches covering her ears and squeezing her eyes shut.

Jasper smirks at me and winks and oh my god. Everything is perfect, he is perfect, oh my god I just want to...

"OH GOD JASPER DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE! IM HER SISTER I DON'T WANT ALL OF HER SINFUL THOUGHTS IN MY HEAD!" Hope screech's hunching over holding her head. I blush very embarrassed as the Cullens share knowing looks and Jasper continues to smirk as Emmet tries to get himself together. I get an idea and think of the most inappropriate and sinful thing ever. "YOUR A PSYCHOPATH!" She screech's looking at me terrified.

"I prefer creative," I smirk and she shakes her head.

"Again," Emmet growls going to attack Jasper again.

As they fight some more I hear Edward and Bella arrive. They get about halfway through the field before Edward stops. "They're here," he says emotionless. Eight giant wolves stalk out of the forest and growl obviously not liking the Cullens. I notice the grey wolf and Emmet glaring at each other. So they obviously have a history. The black wolf growls and snaps at me. I let my eyes turn misty red and growl back snapping at him and Hope does the same except her eyes shine green. He whimpers and all the rest of the wolves stand down. Hope and I cross ours arms and smirk.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward translates obviously reading the alphas mind.

"They came. That's what matters," Carlisle says smiling being the peace keeper as usual.

Bella sees the red-brown wolf as it turns toward her, I'm pretty sure that's Jacob. "Jake..." Bella smiles awkwardly as she pets his head. He seems to almost smile, tongue lolling. A sharp look from the black wolf gets Jacobs wolf to focus though.

"Will you translate?" Carlisle asks Edward although his tone leaves no room for argument.
Edward nods and Carlisle moves slowly towards their pack. The black wolf, and the biggest steps forward.

"Hey, Jake. Welcome," Edward says trying to be civil, only getting a strange look for Jacob. Hey, I mean I get it just because you have the same goal doesn't mean your friends.

"Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them," Carlisle says with a nod. I look at Jasper and see him already looking at me almost like he is waiting for a reaction from me. I move over to stand beside him partially behind him. He smiles down at me and I feel my heart speed up. I interlace our fingers and he smirks before pulling me closer to him. He nods his head towards Edward obviously wanting me to pay attention to what Edward is going to say so i do.

"They want to know how the 'newborns' differ from us, and why Stephanie smells like us but stronger and why Hope and Meadow smell appealing," Edward says and I start to feel very uncomfortable. I guess Jasper senes it because he growls at them and pulls me in front of him and puts both of his hands on my waist.

"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful... ... than in our first several months of this life. Stephanie is a different species of vampire one that's even stronger and faster than a newborn of our kind. Meadow and Hope are the first and only tribrids in the world. They are part werewolf, part vampire, and part witch. They are the strongest and most powerful creatures in the world," Carlisle explains. The pack takes this in and I look at Hope to see her staring at the grey wolf as he stares back at her and it's the same look I had when I saw Jasper and the same look Stephanie had when she saw Alice. We actually haven't talked about how Alice is Stephanie's mate, probably because Stephanie is trying to say goodbye to her player ways. Carlisle nods to Jasper to take over. Jasper looks  uncomfortable with both the wolves and the attention I squeeze his hand reassuringly and he smiles down at me before he steps forward.

"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army, doesn't need thousands like a human army. And no human army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first... Never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second... Never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. Emmett? Don't hold back," he tells us walking back and forth speaking with confidence. He smirks towards Emmett at the end as they start to walk into the opening.

"Not in my nature," Emmett smirks. Emmett charges Jasper with at full speed (which is not as fast as my species of vampires) but Jasper is a virtual BLUR. Emmett lunges several times, his strong arms grabbing at air. Jasper stops long enough to teach.

"Never lose focus. One more thing... Never turn your back on your enemy," Jasper says sounding amused but also serious.

Emmett lunges at Jasper  again with similar results, until suddenly he stops. Jasper has him from behind, his teeth an inch from Emmettt's throat. Bella is staring at Jasper in awe and not gonna lie kinda jealous but I know I have nothing to worry about because she is in love with Edward. There is an impressed barks among the watching wolves. Which makes me smile. Yep my mates a hot badass.

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