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"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender," Carlisle says with a nod. I notice my mate take a few steps toward her. We exchange a look and it seems we both agree that if they try anything to hurt Bree we'll kill them.

"That wasn't yours to offer," Jane says snapping her gaze to Carlisle. As Jane moves to Bree, Esme shoots Carlisle a concerned look. Jasper and I move to stand beside Bree and I grab her hand in comfort. Carlisle subtly shakes his head, don't. I don't care though.

"Why did you come?" Jane asks with a smirk. Before Bree can answer, Jane focuses her power, sending an invisible searing current through Bree's body. Bree screams in pain and my heart aches for her, Bella flinches at the sound.

I step in front of Bree and her cries stop. Janes power doesn't effect me so I smile as she looks frustrated and Jasper kneels down comforting the child we have both agreed to watch over.

"They came to destroy us – to kill Bella," Esme interjects trying to ease the tension. Jane ignores Esme, she continues to try and use her power on me but it doesn't work so she moves to the side a little try and hurt Bree again but I copy her actions still standing in between her and Bree.

"Who created you?" Jane asks still trying to hurt us but with no avail.

"You don't need to do that. She'll tell you anything you want to know," Hope interjects

"I know," Jane smirks before trying to use her power on Hope but once again nothing happens causing Jane to glare in frustration. Carlisle puts a hand on Esme's shoulder. Bree grabs my hand and I look down at her trying to reassure her nothing will happen.

Jane waits for an answer, but she's not gonna be talking to Bree anymore. "That's none of your business, try and hurt her again and I'll gladly give you a taste of your own medicine," I growl. Jane looks amused but the other lap dogs glare at me for my disrespect.

Jane tries to use her power again, Esme is about to say something, but Edward interrupts. It's a good thing he did because it's only a matter of time before Jane snaps at aunt Esme.

"Her name was Victoria. Perhaps you knew her," Edward says sarcastically. Jane faces Edward with an innocent smile that's somehow unnerving. The other three Volturi are suddeny positioned behind Jane. If they are trying to intimidate they choose the wrong fucking people and the wrong fucking day. Bella probably didn't even see them move. Bella plants herself firmly at Edward's side for protection. Wise descIon blood singer. The air is tense and this  could turn bad, fast, good. They're are starting to piss me off and I can't wait to remind them who is boss. Carlisle intercedes with great and purposeful calm.

"Edward. If the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would've stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane?" Carlisle smiles gently. Jane just looks at Carlisle with amusement at his obvious way of not starting a fight.

"Of course. Felix," She says try to send the lap dog after Bree. Felix moves to get Bree but Jasper and I move in front of her and growl.

"She didn't know what she was doing. We'll take responsibility for her. Give her a chance," Esme pleads.

"The Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know that she's still human," Jane indirectly threatens.

"The date is set," Bella says trying to show that there is no need for violence.

"Take care of that, Felix. I'd like to go home," Jane smirks

I snap my fingers and Felix collapses to the ground screaming in pain. Everyone looks from me to him in shock. The Volturi make a move towards me and I let the red mist magic spread and they all fall to their knees.

"Hello, My names Meadow Mikaelson. Daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson. I do believe that I told you to leave the girl alone," I smirk and giggle towards the end. "Remember you exist because I allow you to exist," I smirk taking a step closer. "One.Word," I say taking another step towards Jane. "One.Order," I take another step forward and crouch down to her cowering level. "One. Snap, and everyone and everything you care about gets wiped of the face of the planet. You think just because your in the Volturi your top dog? Nope! I'm the queen bitch, And you're nothing but a little pest I allow to live until I decide you are just shy of useless," I smile before standing up and walking back to my mates side. I stop the magic and they stand up gasping for air holding their chest.

"I'm so sorry my queen," Jane says as they all bow.

"You should be, NOW GO!" With that they all run. I turn to my new family and they all look at me in shock.

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