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Tommy's POV

I was surprised when the blonde man pulled me into a tight hug. Did I know him? Hesitantly I asked, "Do I know you?" He seemed to be saddened by my question but answered only seconds later. "No, you wouldn't you were so young." I was a little confused so I turned to look at the two others when he let go of me.

The pink haired man looked pale and was in deep thought staring off into space. The man sitting to his right was staring at me dead in the eyes. He had tears threatening to flow freely but he pushed them back.

Were these people close to me when I was young? Could they be my family? I asked the second question that was buzzing in my mind. "What.....what are your names?" They all looked up at that question and one by one answered.

"I'm Phil, the pink haired one is Techno and to his right is Wilbur." My eyes filled with happy tears. I had done it, I had found my family. I pulled them all into a hug and whispered. "I remember." We were back together. Back as a family.


Yes this was a very short chapter but who cares not me. Also I do have longer stories so you should read those. And if you haven't already plz follow and maybe even vote I would realy appreciate it!

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