Chapter 36

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If I could talk to anybody about my life's experiences, I'd tell them that they've been awfully painful. I've seen everything that could qualify as mentally torturing in this short span of time and I'm not even 30 yet.

And now, I was about to see a prison cell too.

I stared dumbfounded as the man with the oversized belly stood in our lounge, two mean looking ladies behind him, holding a piece of paper that probably gave them the right to smash my bones to powder.

Before either of us could make a move, Zain came bustling in through the main door, a piece of paper in his hand.

"Stop, officer! You can't arrest her, we've got a pre-arrest bail request granted," he stated, shocking me even more.

How many heart attacks was I due this month? I'd already gotten like 4.

The man grabbed the piece of paper and gave it a once over before throwing an annoyed look my way. Guess he was angry because of all the trouble he took to get here and yet leave with no new toy to torture.

"Fine. We'll come again when the court orders," with that, he swung his baton and walked out, those wrestler ladies in tow.

Ayan ran to close the door behind them while I dropped down on the couch, unable to support myself any longer. Fatima walked out, dressed in proper clothes now, and ran to hold me.

"What was that even about?" Ayan asked as he joined us again. "And how did you have a pre-arrest bail?"

I looked at Zain, who seemed to have lost a bit of weight. He ran a hand through his hair and I noticed a gash on his hand.

"I was at the police station because of a minor collision problem. That's when I heard a woman complaining to the police and her name. So I quickly called Farhan but couldn't reach him. Not wanting a woman to spend the night in jail, I pulled some strings with lawyers and got the FIR cancelled," he explained.

Was he being nice or was this a part of his plan? Was he in on this with Zara? Did he even know her?

"Where the heck is bhai?" Ayan mumbled, putting his phone to his ear.

My heart suddenly dropped. It was highly unlikely Farhan to not receive his phone or not to text in case of an emergency.

"I'll go check my phone," I quickly ran upstairs to my room and grabbed my mobile.

I was secretly hoping to see a call or text by my husband but there was none. None at all. As I walked downstairs, I heard Humeyra's voice. She was here with her husband I guess.

Suddenly, I felt fearful.

What if something bad happened to him?

I quickly dialled his number as I descended downstairs, joining the four in the lounge.

Humeyra had swollen up much more than the last time I'd seen her. She gotten a cute baby face and that pregnancy glow. She looked too cute as she smiled once she saw me coming downstairs.

How could Zain not love such an angel?

"Ayesha! So good to see you!" She cheered.

I nodded, wanting to match her energy but my missing husband was making me feel weak.

"He won't answer," I told Ayan. "Where was the last time you left him?"

"At his desk. He was checking an important consignment. He told me he'd be home in an hour or so," Ayan muttered, scratching his head. "I'll head over to the office and see if I can find him."

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