Hidden fears

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Dear Diary,

Let me introduce myself to you. I'm Taehyung. I'm 11 year old. I'm sorry if you find me awkwardly just like everyone. I can't help it but i hope you'll listen.

One of a kid here told me that you can be my best friend. She said you won't get irritated and will
listen to all of my worries. I'm still not comfortable here. It's been a month when SoekJin hyung found me and brought me here.

I have so much to talk, to say it out but I don't know where to start, I'm angry, I'm sad, I'm alone and I don't know what will happen now.

I can't adjust here no matter what i do. I'm really really angry at my family. They just left me all alone. Dasik left me alone. She promised me she will never let go of my hand yet she did.

She just left me all alone in the middle of the street.......

I don't wanna think about it. They did what they did. I'll be strong. I won't let anybody hurt me now. I'll fight like the prince i am. An Omega prince.

You know maybe Kate was right, talking to you does feel better. It's easy and you listen. You don't make ugly faces, you don't look at me with disgust. You are my friend my TaTa.

Jungkook turned the page.

Hello TaTa,

I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in days, i was sad. I got into a fight. This orphanage is a good place but outside this is scary. It's very big and scary.

But I'm trying my best to be strong and fight back. It'll take time but i will learn. Now I'm enrolled into the school. The school is really good.

There are so many wolves like me, but there are Alpha's. They disgust me. They are like they own the entire race.

I can't stand them. They always trouble the low rankers. I just hate this Alpha dominant society. I promised myself to be strong.

You know what TaTa, today Jin Hyung praised me,  he said I'm the most disciplined kid here. Mama, Papa would be really happy. And Dasik she would've been smiling and jumping around like a crazy person. She always think of me as her son, silly. I'm her brother though.

TATA you don't think of me as crazy person right?  It's been so many days That i came here but kids here still aren't good.

I don't know why they trouble the young kids, i mean i never do anything to hurt anyone but Bong-soo he always finds a way to hurt me. Even today he punched me twice on my ribs, it hurts alot. I think i might have a broken rib or something.

I can't even eat properly because of him. Either he don't let me take my food from cafeteria or if i do he would just throw it in the dust bin.

Today he did that again. After fighting with me he did the same, threw my food tray in the dustbin. I'm hungry and tired.

It's really difficult to sleep empty stomach. I can't actually sleep without eating. I only take two meals a day and they are already in small proportion so no food doesn't suit well with my body.

I'm sorry TATA for my runt but i have to talk it out or else i would go crazy. And right here I can't afford to be crazy.

Good bye TATA.

Jungkook had tears in his eyes. Taehyung has went through so much. He just.......Jungkook has done so much to him. He was no different from that orphanage bully. He turned the page.

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