Little Wolfie

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Jungkook took care of that treat along with Namjoon. She was taken to the dungeon and Jungkook dealt with her personally.

She was given 24 hours to leave the pack and never come back. Before going Jungkook made her sign an agreement of permanently leaving the pack.

It's been four days now. These four days weren't much peaceful for the pack house. There isn't any life threatening situation but at the same time there is.

Taehyung is nearing to give birth now and as it's their first time the young couple isn't handling the situation very well.

Taehyung couldn't sleep peacefully at night and Jungkook has to stay up so he should be there if Taehyung needs anything. Now a days Taehyung is having crazy cravings as like once he wanted to eat dozen of bananas with coke. It was super disgusting but Jungkook bought it for Taehyung at mid night.

"For Goddess's sake Taehyung, I'm tired, let me sleep please. I'll take you out tomorrow i promise." Jungkook pleaded, clasping hands in front of Taehyung as in literal meanings.

"But i want to go out on a walk. I need fresh air." Taehyung shake Jungkook's body one more time.

"It's 2:30 in the morning Taehyung, just wait for 4 more hours and I'll take you out on a long walk. Please let me sleep. It's been two days I haven't slept properly." Jungkook whined. He was actually tired and was dying of tiredness.

"But i want it now. I feel like dying in here. I'm suffocated Koo." Taehyung whined in reply.

"Tae, love i love you more than anything but please have mercy on me. Let me rest please." Jungkook rolled over to other side to get away from Taehyung.

"Fine. Sleep." That was easy. Well Taehyung never get away from him this easily. He always persuade Jungkook for what he want him to do.

For a second Jungkook was at peace and was about to sleep but then a thud sound made him sit up with his eyes full open. He looked around but didn't find Taehyung around.

An then the sniffling sound flee to his sound. It was definitely Taehyung but where was he. Jungkook can hear the shuffling but still couldn't see his mate.

"Tae?" He called hoping out of his bed.

"I feel like dying in here. I'm suffocated Koo."

"TAE....TAEHYUNG." Jungkook yelled but still didn't see his mate. He can imagine thousand worst scenarios and each and every one is terrifying.

"What the.....why was i sleeping." Jungkook pulled his hair in frustration. He could've taken better care of his mate.

"Taehyung?" He knocked on the bathroom door but it was empty.

"Ahh." He heard Taehyung groaning and he can feel the pain in his voice. His heart sank at the possibility of falling down and hurting himself as well as the baby.

"TAEHYUNG. Where are you?" Jungkook said looking around the room but what frustrated him more is that why wasn't he seeing Taehyung.

"Here." He turned to see Taehyung sitting on the balcony with his legs dangling down the realing and he was smiling sheepishly.

Jungkook saw the small dump of mud beside him and a broken flower pot.

"I broke it." Taehyung announced. "But it's your fault. You made me do that."

"What the..... do you even know how worried was i?" Jungkook said hands over his hips on both side and a scowl on his face.

"I don't and not even wanna know." Taehyung stood up and walked up to his mate. "Can we go now? You look fresh now."

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