Left alone

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Jungkook pushed open the basement door, a place which still gives him pure happiness.

The memory of him tearing Choi apart limp form limp is still fresh in his mind.

A pround smile made it's way on his face as he got in. The scene inside look way familir. Same like previous time a figure on the ground, scared and trembling.

"P-please, I didn't do anything." Came the voice. It seem tired. Well she has been here for so many days.

"Kang Ahro. The orphan who took shelter in Blood Moon pack. Originally from Red Done pack. Have one son and mate is dead. Record of being a traitor." He crouched down to her level.

"J-Jungkook-ssi. I didn't do anything, please let me go." She cried trying to free her arms who are hurting as they been cuffed for long time.

"You killed my baby, you tried to poison me, you actually dared to do it. You helped Choi and now you wanted to kill Jimin hyung and Yoongi hyung. AND YOU SAY YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING." Jungkook caught her jaw tightly.

"Please i-i said sorry for that, i am guilty for what i did. But I promise i haven't done anything else. Mr. Choi made me do that. My son's life was in danger, i became selfish, I'm a mother what could i do..... please Jungkook please forgive me. I-I'm guilt......please let me go. My son is alone home, I've been here for days, I don't know how is he? H-Have he eaten......"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP." Jungkook glared at him. "Who did it? Who attacked Jimin hyung and Yoongi hyung."

Ahro has been in the dungeon since the day Head Alpha told Jungkook about his past. That day he asked Jackson to keep an eye on Ahro and Jackson locked her in the dungeon. Han-Sang was with the other pups in the pack and was well-cared.

"I don't know. I have no idea. I HAVE NO IDEA. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING." She yelled pulling her face off of his grip.

"Stop lying to me." Jungkook took a dominant step forward. Ahro didn't even flinch.

"IM NOT A RECORDED CRIMINAL. WHATEVER I DID, I DID IT FOR MY SON. AS MUCH AS YOU ARE IN PAIN SO WAS I SCARED. He had a....." she sobbed. "He had a knife pointed at his neck. I-I was scared, i did whatever he asked me. Kill me if i was wrong." She said pulling his hand up to her neck.

Jungkook for a second was dead in his movements. He understands what it feels like to have your child in danger, he lived that moment.

"You knew about the attack on Jimin hyung and Yoongi hyung?" He asked taking a step back.

"I've been in this dungeon from last 3 days, i have no idea what you are talking about. I've no idea what's happening outside. Let me go Jungkook my son is alone, he has no one else." She pleaded. The fact that Han Sung was on his own made the poor lady feel more helpless.

"Can i trust you?" That was easy but Jungkook was confident that these tears are sincere. He was confident that she wasn't lying.

"It's up to you Jungkook. I told you everything myself, if i would've done it on purpose i will never have opened up to you. I trusted you with my son's safety. Choi threatened to kill me and my son, but I can't betray my mate's pack like this, my pack like this. I give you full authority to do whatever you feel right. I respect your order." She hung her head low. These last three days actually broke her. Less food and fatigue isn't a best combo.

Jungkook looked at her, it was true. She herself let him see everything, she didn't even spoke but let he see everything with her own eyes. He just stepped forward and bend down.

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