Light of my life

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Jungkook and Taehyung came back after staying there half day. Taehyung was much better after visiting his favorite person.

He and Jin talked about so many things. They talked about all they have missed. Jin told him about how he feels so relieved that he handed the orphanage responsibilities to Hobi and came here to Namjoon.

Also how Namjoon became the best part of his life. From always thinking about how he will be good enough for taking care of kids to being everything for Namjoon was so incredibly beautiful.

His life took an enormous turn but it left him in his love's arms. He felt his body getting lighter as the weight of responsibilities were taken off his shoulder. He wasn't an orphanage keeper anymore, just a mate of the head of solider wolves.

It's not like he was bound when had to take care of children, he loved it but a life with Namjoon feels so much more. It gives him an eternal happiness.

His purpose to life was changed but it felt right. Namjoon was right he was bound to be with him.

"What are you thinking?" Jungkook pulled Taehyung out of his thoughts.

"H-Huh? Nothing" he replied.

"Lier. You were thinking something. Tell me what is it?" Jungkook asked.

"As in you don't know. You might have heard it already." Taehyung rolled his eyes. Whatsoever, his sassy omega is always present on time.

"I'm a descent man Taehyung. I don't do anything without consent." Jungkook defended himself. He was roasted enough for getting into other's head. He has to defend himself.

"Oh really. You didn't. You raped me, tortured me......" Taehyung stopped. His both hands flung to keep his mouth shut. He saw how Jungkook also stood dead in track. "I-I didn't....... It just came out......"

"I'm trying to amend my behavior Tae. I'm very guilty for doing that." Jungkook said, eyes on the ground and teeth dumped in lower lip so forcefully that it'll break the skin any minute.

" no don't..... please I didn't mean to...... it just came out wrong. I know...." Taehyung used his finger to pull Jungkook's lip out of his teeth grip. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry please."

"You don't have to say sorry. It's true. All of......"

"I don't want to keep thinking about it please. No more thinking about such things." Taehyung ran and hugged Jungkook as he was few steps away from him.

"Be careful." Jungkook secured him between his arms.

"You are here to care for me. Although I'm becoming fat but i know you like me still right." And once again Taehyung's insecurities started kicking in. He has been thinking about this lately, he is gaining weight and getting out of his shape so that means soon Jungkook will loose interest in him.

"Hey I'll never ever do that. Fat or slim, you'll always be my one and only. There isn't going to be any one else." Jungkook gave a tender kiss on Taehyung's forehead.

"And just a second earlier you said you are a decent man." Taehyung scoffed. "Stop getting in my head"

"So it's proved that I'm not so decent." Jungkook winked and soon after he crashed his lips with Taehyung who was equally hungry for this. "I don't believe in consent."

"My not so decent love." Taehyung replied after breaking the kiss. It all seem so beautiful, just like a dream. An old dream, Taehyung saw for so many years.

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