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Yoongi did as asked. He called all the pack officals to the council hall and the words was spread around the pack that Jungkook will arange a meeting with the pack members.

Not just half an hour ago all the pack officals were sitting in the council hall. Murmurs and whispers spreading in the hall.

"I'm really thankful to everyone who showed up." Jungkook entered the hall, well dressed and looking elegant. Everyone stood up but he gestured them to be seated.

"It's good to see you Jungkook." One of the official stood up.

"Sire." Jungkook corrected. Everyone was looked eachother.

"S-Sire? We didn't understand?" All of them looked at Jungkook who stood all proud and mighty.

"Yeah. Calling the Head Alpha by his name doesn't look respectable now does it?" Jungkook sat down, having full attention of the whole council.

"I hearby announce..." Yoongi stepped forward but Jungkook stopped him mid sentence by raising his hand.

"Hyung let me tell them." Jungkook replied. Yoongi felt hurt, he felt bad and there was no lie in it. Anyone will, his brother just became so cold out of blue. He understands Jungkook is hurt, he is sad but so is he himself. He lost his father just as Jungkook did. What makes Jungkook's pain more than his?

"The Head Alpha Min-Jun presented his will in which he handed the responsibilities of the pack to me. I Jeon Jungkook, son of deceased Head Alpha take the oath to protect this pack. To work for the peace and prosperity of the pack and to make it the most powerful pack. I oath to live for my pack, to live for keeping the dream of my father alive. I promise to stand by my people, to stand infront of them in the time of distress and war and to stand beside them in the time of prosperity. I oath to keep the equality in pack, to treat every rank equally. I oath to make this a pack my father dreamed of." He finished looking at everyone. He saw some were happy and showed encouraging hand gestures while some had a scowl on their faces.

"If any of you have a problem state it right now, you have the time if not then keep your mouth shut. I believe each and everyone of you will come forward to help this pack grow and prosper. After all that's what makes you all the officials of the pack don't it?" Jungkook finished. He looked around earning some claps from them while some were still confuse.

"Jung-Sire." One of the old man stood up.

"Yes Mr. Lee." Jungkook replied.

"Shouldn't it be Yoongi? I mean shouldn't this seat belong to Yoongi? He is the elder son, he is the first born, he should be the rightful owner of this seat." The old man said. Jungkook panicked inside. This is what he fears, the hard facade and all was only to keep himself strong.

He genuinely fears such questions and certain situations. He isn't the rightful owner, he believes that too but there is so much in his mind. He just wants to stay strong just like his fathers always told him. And right now staying strong needs him to be a king, to be big. And if that requires him being cold and emotionless than so be it.

"You and i both know who is the rightful owner Mr. Lee. This isn't a kids play to clain the chair and rule the kingdom. Pack meeds the one who can handle it's responsibilities well and you and the whole pack knows it's Jungkook who can do that well than i could ever will. I would appreciate to stand with everyone and show respect to the Head Alpha. I Min Yoongi bow my head infront of our Head Alpha Jeon Jungkook." Yoongi was quick to get on his knee and show a respectful bow to Jungkook making him flinch.

This was not he ever wanted. He never wanted his hyung to bow to him. It actually broke his heart watching his brother bowing to him. He don't need a right hand man. He need his brother to advise him and stand with him. Yoongi is wrong if he thinks that Jungkook could handle the pack better than him. He can never do that and he wants to tell this to his brother right away.

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