Chapter 18

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After everyone arrives after us, we agree for three different options, a romantic movie, horror and comedy.

I'm not in the mood for watching any romantic movie at all right now, so I vote for horror because I've always liked scary movies. No one votes for comedy because we all know those are not too fun to watch, specially because of the sexist jokes they always make.

But the girls don't agree to watch the horror movie, even Laura doesn't want to watch it. And Eden and Blake, as well as Aidan and Jane, want to watch the romance movie since they're "romantically in love". I don't feel comfortable with that, of course, but I don't argue either because I don't want to make a fuss.

At last, we agree to watch the romance movie because Dante said that horror movies aren't scary anymore and everyone else agreed, except for the girls.

We buy the tickets for the movie, one by one, and enter the room. Cameron chose seats in the middle so we can have the perfect view. Gladly, there's not many people inside.

Cameron sits at one end of the row of seats, TJ sitting down next to him, Blake and Eden sit down next to them and Aidan and Jane already have to sit at the row behind them. Laura sits next to them, making sure I don't feel uncomfortable, she even gives me a thumbs up, Dante sits next to her and I sit next to Dante.

Laura takes out some snacks from her bag she brought with her. She also gives me a bottle of water and wishes me good luck. And I exactly know why.

Jane Gary, that's why

I take the bag and bottle from her hands and put them on the cup holder I share with Dante. I tell him he can grab some any time he wants and he thanks me.

In the middle of the movie, where things start getting a little too romantic and cheesy for my taste, I cautiously look to my left and see that Jane is already kissing Aidan a little.

Well, curiously kills the cat, doesn't it? I never learn my lesson

I quickly look away again and focus on the movie. Frustrated, I reach for a gummy worm next to me and another hand falls on top of mine. Dante's hand.

We both get startled by this sudden uncomfortable moment and take our hands away.

"Sorry," he whispers in my ear, slightly amused and trying not to laugh.

"It's okay," I whisper back, smiling.

But when the main characters start going from enemies to lovers, I feel Dante yawning and then placing his arm around me.

Okay, kind of old schooled, but I still like it

I try to spy on Aidan again but him and Jane are very close, so I turn away and let my head fall on Dante's shoulder, pretending I was very tired.

But it seems like indeed I was tired after all, or maybe the movie was just too boring for me that I actually fell asleep on Dante's shoulder.

Oh god, no...

Dante tries shaking me awake, repeating my name over and over again and I finally wake up when Laura spills water on my face.

I gasp and scream, wiping the water off of my face with my shirt. "Screw you, Laura!"

"That's what you get for falling asleep, darling," she says.

"I guess you were very tired," Dante tells me, "so I didn't wanna wake you up during the movie or even wake you up like Laura did."

I giggle. "That's fine, I'm alright now."

"Haven't you been sleeping?" Laura asks.

"I have," I answer. "But you know, school messes up with my sleep schedule and I'm just trying to regain my normal sleep cycle again, it's just hard."

"It usually happens that to me too," Dante says. "And I hate it."

"It's understandable," I chuckle.

"Well, lovebirds, let's get going shall we?" Laura says. "Everyone's waiting for us outside to go on a picnic."

"Right," Dante says, standing up. "(y/n)?"

I look up and see that he was stretching his hand for me and I take it, slightly blushing.

We walk out of the cinema and start heading towards a gas station to buy our snacks.

We walk towards the nearest park after buying every type of snack. And since we don't have any tablecloth, we make one slightly improvised with our jackets.

Blake hugs Eden, Cameron hugs TJ, Aidan hugs Jane and Dante hugs me in order so we don't freeze. Laura never gets cold though, so she just stays there as a lonely, but happy wolf.

When Dante sees everyone else hugging though, he gets nervous and doesn't know how to make the first move. So, Laura as the good Cupid she is, helps him pull his arm on my shoulders.

I can actually say that I feel somewhat safe with him. Besides, he feels warm so it's even better. And Laura passes the snacks to everyone else. Dante shares half of his sandwich with me and I share some chips with him too.

"What did you guys think of the movie?" TJ asks.

"I liked it," Eden says.

"Me too," Jane answers.

"(y/n) slept in the middle of the movie all the way until the end," Dante chuckles.

"It is true!" I laugh. "I was just feeling tired somehow and fell asleep."

Everyone laughs.

"That's fine," Eden says, "which one would you like to watch next?"

"(y/n) has never been scared of horror movies," Aidan interferes, "she's always liked those."

"That's also true," I nod, "I've never been afraid of a single horror movie."

"What?!" TJ screams. "Not even IT?"

"Not even IT," I repeat. "I actually remember that a cousin of mine showed the movie to me and I had a blank stare during the whole movie, my eyelids also were starting to get heavy too. If you ask my cousin, she'll tell you it's true."

"And then she showed it to me," Aidan says, feeling pitty towards his younger self.

"I did," I laugh, "and then he was like "(y/n), why are you showing me this?! It's horrible! I hate it!" And he was crying."

"Oh my god, that used to be so embarrassing!" Aidan covers his face.

"What?" I look over at him.

"When I had to tell my mom that I wanted to sleep with her because I was scared," he says, uncovering his face.

"Yeah, I remember!" I laugh harder. "But you also used to sleep with me a lot when you didn't want to tell your mom about horror movies," I put my hands on my hips.

"That's also true," he chuckles.

"What else did you guys used to do when you were kids?" Blake asks.

Aidan and I start telling stories about when we were kids, all the fun we used to have and all the times we made each other angry. Time flies by until it gets very dark and we have to pack up our picnic and go to the 80s Diner to have dinner.

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