
915 12 2

1 Year Later


"I completely understand, but you know how we all get. We all get angry and say things we don't mean. So he wasn't insulting him, he's just harsh in general. You should hear him in my office." The man laughs over the line. "Well, Ms. (l/n), I thank you for clearing this up. We will reword the release and present it to you before it goes out to be published." I jerk my arm down in a victory. "Thank you so much, Mr. Wiclick. I look forward to reading the reprint." I hung up the phone, stood, and shook my arms in the arm dancing around my desk.

A burst of warm laughter filled the room. "Who the fook you talk to that gots you all jumpy, Lass?" I clap with excitement rounding my desk to the front, meeting Conor. "You're no longer the world's more narcissistic ufc fighter, but the most passionate." Conor raises his brow, "but... I am." I roll my eyes, "you never read your emails. You were supposed to be here at 9." Conor took a seat in front of me. His sunglasses shielding his vision, but the chill of stares fakes down my spine.

I lean forward pulling his glasses off. He claps his hands over his eyes groaning. "You're hungover." He giggles, shrugging, "but I didn't make any bad choices. I don't think so." I toss his shades at him, "You're trouble, McGregor." He smiles pushing his sweet side forward, "You'll never find a better job." "I've had offers."

The phone rings and I roll my eyes. "(y/n)
(l/n), PR for Conor McGregor." "Ms. (l/n), we received claims, Mr. McGregor..." I drown out the man on the line. I bring my middle finger up to Conor flipping him off. "No trouble my ass." I mouth to him as he sits innocently. He bites his lip giggling like a child.

After the lengthy phone call and sour apology statement, I hang up falling in my chair limply.

Conor leans over the desk with a wide smile, "let me take you to lunch. My treat. Sushi. Your favorite." I lift my head at the mention of food. "Grab my hat." Conor picks up my hat placing it on my head as we walk out of my office.


"And what to drink for you?" I smile, "Sweet tea, please." The waitress walks away leaving Conor to burst out laughing, imitating me, "sweet tea." I slap him with my napkin. "I could make fun of you, but I don't." Conor shakes his head, "no, it's because I can fire you." "And because you're paying for my lunch."

Our meals come out in time, the food making my mouth water, making me realize I haven't eaten since lunch the day before. "We've got 8 months before the fight," Conor states as he starts his meal. I nod in realization, "that's right! Who is it again?" Conor smirks, taking another bite, "Poirier." "Really? Since when?" Conor smirks, "you don't read your emails."

I place a California roll into my mouth. "That means I'm about to get a lot busier." Conor smiles, "I won't be too much trouble, lassie."

"Now that is a reoccurring lie." My phone vibrates causing me to look down.

Have you gone out to lunch, darling? I'm at your office.

Crap. I sigh opening the text. Conor peaks over the table, "who the hell's that?" "Someone." I type my reply back.

Honey! I'm am out! I got so overloaded today. Mind coming by my place tonight? I should be out of the office by 6.

That sounds great. I'll bring some takeout. Sushi?

I look down at my plate feeling guilty. But send a thumbs up regardless. I place my phone down, "sorry." Conor has his arms crossed and is staring at me. "Who the hell's that? Someone? Hell's that mean?"

"Just some... guy I occasionally see." Conor raises his brow. "Who? I didn't know you were seeing anyone." I narrowed my eyes on him. Why does it matter to him? I smirk allowing another bite to enter my mouth. "I don't question every time Dee texts you. It's just low-key right now." Conor hums and continues with his meal. "I was just askin." I smile, "Is that why you call it?"

Conor and I have been close since he hired me. It seemed to be like two pieces of a puzzle. He's causing an issue but I come around and fix all the dirty words. He claims it's because I'm as sweet as sugar, but I think I'm just good at my job. Maybe it's because we're friends and not just there for each other for the payment.

There are always rumors and claims of his PR agent only getting the job because she was the mistress of the notorious, but those rumors are old news by now.

Whatever seems to happen, whatever trouble Conor seems to cause I'm able to clean it up.


Three knocks grasp my attention. I race to the door opening it. Tom steps in swinging a bag of take out. "Hello, love." He pecks my cheek as he enters. "Hey." I wrap my arms around his back taking each step with him. His frame fitting awkwardly, making me stumble with each step. He chuckles, "I take it was a good day?" I step around to face him. "Not as stressful as others so that's always good."

Tom pulls out my meal and hands it to me, "couch potato time." He walks to the couch and turns on the TV. "Let's go on with that show. We never finished it."

I smile taking the spot beside him, "I'll need a recap. I don't remember what happened." "Remember he just got kidnapped and they were in the desert." I narrow my eyes trying to remember, "4 months is a while, Tommy." He sighs, going to the episode before and clicking play.

My phone starts to ring making me roll my eyes. "Conor." Tom shakes his head, "don't answer it." I look at him debating. "Okay." Tom nods opening his arms. "You're off the clock, baby."

Hours later when both Tom and I are asleep my phone starts ringing again. I let it go, but it goes again, and again! I get up following the sound. Conor's face pops up. I step on my balcony answering, "Conor? What is it?" "Fooking hell, (y/n)! I've been trying to get a hold of you for hours! I need you to come to the gym with me on Thursday and-" "Thursday? Conor it's Tuesday morning! why are you calling me at 3 AM?" The line is silent. "Conor?" "I was going to forget if I didn't let you know now! You keep track of the schedule and everything, lass. You know I can't keep my own head on right." He laughs through the line.

The balcony door opens and Tom stands there confused. "What are you doing up, love?" I hold up my hand to Tom, "I'm coming."

Conor replies, "over? Great! I'll get the-" "no, no. I was talking to... sorry." I laugh awkwardly into the line. "Your fault you're missing out on the new update of UFC 4." "That game sucks. Goodnight!" I hang up rubbing my head. "Seriously?" Tom asks, "that guy won't even let you get any sleep." Tom leads me back to bed.



I take another drink of whiskey as I flip through the channels. I reach for the phone ringing up (y/n) again. "Hey, you've reached-"

Fooking hell. Just stop! You're the most annoying client!

Once more... the line rings and...

"Conor? What is it?"

I laugh loudly, "Fooking hell, (y/n)! I've been trying to get a hold of you for hours! I need you to come to the gym with me on Thursday and-" "Thursday? Conor it's Tuesday morning! why are you calling me at 3 AM?" I look at the clock. Ah, shit. It is 3:04 AM.

"Conor?" Her voice comes through.

"I was going to forget if I didn't let you know now! You keep track of the schedule and everything, lass. You know I can't keep my own head on right." I laugh flatly.

A scuffle sounds over the line, "I'm coming." (y/n) says peaking my excitement. Hell yeah, I'm so bored! "Over? Great! I'll get the-"

"no, no. I was talking to... sorry." (y/n) laughs into the line. "Your fault you're missing out on the new update of UFC 4." I joke.

"That game sucks. Goodnight!" She hangs up, leaving me to wonder. Who was she talking to?

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