Single & Drunk

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New city, new hotel, new room...

As before Dana has us stand in separate lines, sending the fighters to the gym, but Conor stays by my side. I look up at him with glazed eyes, he's already looking down at me. I look away quickly, taking a step forward, putting distance between him and I. "Dana told everyone to go to the gym." Conor nods, "Yeah, he did." He takes a step forward standing directly behind me. I can feel his chest rise as he takes a breath. I bite my lip trying to contain myself.

I feel him dip down, whispering in my ear, "You okay, Lassie?" I suck in a gasp. "I feel sick." I place my hand over my forehead, feeling dizzy. "Whoa!" Megan says as I fall into her. "I need to sit down." I grasp her arm for support. What the hell? He makes me physically sick!

Megan leads me to the couch in the lobby, "Do you need some water? Anything?" I shake my head, fanning myself. "I'm okay."

I feel his hand rise onto my leg, he looks at me with concern. He touches my head, "You're warm. We should get you to the room." He goes to pick me up, but I protest, "No, no. I can walk. Plus, I have to go out and call some people." "I thought you were going to do that with me." I wave my hand, "Rather just get it done sooner." I stand, rushing to the front, and going out the doors into the streets. The wind brushes against my cheeks, cooling me down dramatically.

It was almost like it was meant to be, at this exact moment. I could spot him anywhere. Tom strolls down the busy street with a beautiful blonde on his arm. I feel my heart deflate. "fucking asshole." I pull out my phone calling his number, I watch him pick it up, look at my name with distaste, and reject the call. I raise my phone snapping his photo of him and his lady friend as they stroll arm in arm.

"I need a drink."

I walk back in passing the rest of my colleagues and going right to the bar. I sit on the stool running my fingers through my hair, "Rough day, hun?" I look up at the bartender with teary eyes. "He's cheating on me." She shakes her head, fire welling up in her eyes. She pulls up her chair, pouring two shots. She slides one in my direction, "Tell me everything."


I sway in the seat, my vision split. "Then all he ever wanted to do was get his rocks off!" "Was it good at least?" I shoot the next shot down as if it's water, the taste a blink at this time. "Fuck no! I had to finish myself off every time." She laughs slapping the bar. "Him? Really? I figured he'd be good!" I roll my eyes, "You'd think!" The bartender puts another drink in front of me, "You've got your eyes on anyone?"


I shake my head, "I shouldn't." She hums leaning in, "What's his name?" I shake my head smiling, "I can't really." The bartender rolls her eyes, "You tell me all this, but you won't share just the tiny details?" I laugh tossing my head in my hands, "Okay, okay! It's super... gosh it's bad." "Details details."

I down my drink and push my hands together, "he's a fighter for the UFC, and I have to see him ALL THE TIME. I'm lately aching every hour." She giggles, "Sounds like you just need to go for it." "I'd lose my job." She grabs my glass, "It's a job, there are other ones out there." She unlocks the iPad reviewing my tab, she swipes it over, clearing it all. She looks to me winking, "Just our secret."

I stumble out of the bar and up to my new room. The ride to the 15th floor felt like forever! The doors open and I step out directly into someone, I land on my ass on the floor of the elevator, "Whoa, uh, you alright?" I look up to see Dustin Poirier, behind him I see the number 10. "Dude! I didn't even make it all the way up!" I bust out laughing. He offers a hand, pulling me to my feet. He chuckles at my state, "You okay, (y/n)?" I giggle nodding, "Yeah! I just have to go home." He tilts his head, "Do you even know what room you're in?" I nod, dramatically pulling my phone out, I check my texts, "Dana says I'm in 1515." Dustin runs his hand over his head, "That's the code to get into your room." I read closely, bringing my phone to my face, "Uhhh, 15th floor! Room 1503." Dustin nods, "Okay, let's go."

He steps into the elevator with me allowing silence to take over. "I'm surprised Conor's not with you." I sigh, "My boyfriend is cheating on me." Dustin looks over confused and shocked, "You have a boyfriend?" "Had." "Still. I assumed you and Conor had something going on." I shake my head, "I'm professional, Poirier." The doors open and the 15th floor becomes open, "Yay." I cheer taking a step out. "You're going the wrong way!" Dustin calls from the elevator. I point to my left, "This way?" he groans, "No, Jesus." He grabs my hand dragging me to my door. "Put your code in." I stare at the numbers, "I don't know the code." "Dana sent it to you." "he did?" "Oh, my god." Dustin chuckles.

"Okay, okay. Here it is. 1...5...0...3." I twist the knob and the door opens. "There you go. Goodnight, (y/n)." I wave him off stumbling in the dark. I trip over my bag and land on the floor, "Ahh, shit."

My phone starts ringing, and I answer it in hopes it is the Irishman. "(Y/n). Darling." I suck in my breath, my anger boiling, "Tom." He laughs into the phone, "I want to come to see you! where are you?" "Don't bother." I hang up quickly, tossing my phone across the carpeted floor. "Such a little bitch."

Notorious ~ Conor McGregorWhere stories live. Discover now