He never came

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You stood there and watched him, you hoped that Tom would come every Minute so you could just throw Kai out and go on your Date. You didnt cared that you would need to talk about him with Tom, you just wanted him to be gone and you wanted him to never come back into your Life. There just was something you didnt knew, something that happened just a few Minutes ago.

Flashback (normal POV):

Tom was walking towards your House, but he wasnt sure anymore if he really was at the right House or even in the tight Street, when he saw a Guy walking towards him. He smiled softly at him "Sorry? Sir?". The Guy stopped and looked Tom up and down with his raised Eyebrows "Yes?" He asked in a confident Voice.

Tom smiled "I uhh cant find this House, would you maybe help me with it?" He showed the stranger his Phone where your Address stood. The Stranger sighed loudly and looked at him "Sorry, but what do you want at my Girlfriends House?" Kai asked, he hoped that he could make Tom think that you were with him, so Tom wouldnt steal you away.

Tom was in shock he thought that he finally had found an honest Woman, his Heart broke. He was just the One Night Stand she used to cheat on her Boyfriend. Should he tell Kai about the One Night Stand? He asked himself. He stood there a while just looking at Kai, before he took his Phone back "I am sorry, I probably just got the wrong House Number"

Tom walked away and was deep in his Thoughts, he couldnt believe it, he got used again. He was alone again..What would he do now with all these informations? He sighed and just went Home. Kai had a big Smirk on his Face, it was one filled with Hope that he could win you back, but you werent this easy.

You sighed and looked at your Phone, Tom hadnt texted you yet so you decided to text him 'Hey' you looked at your Phone, hoping for a response when you suddenly saw something under your Message, the little text just said •read• you sighed to yourself and waited a bit, hoping he would answer soon.

Kai gave you a Kiss on the Head when he went Home, you hated it and you tried to stop him from doing it, but you knew you couldn't stop him from anything. You looked at your Phone again 5 Minutes went by by now and he still hadnt answered 'Is everything alright?' You sighed loudly when the same little Text came again •Read•. You didnt knew what to do anymore. You would go to him tomorrow and ask him, what wrong was.

You were sad, you didnt knew what you had done wrong. You put on your Pyjamas and laid down into your Bed. Your Head hurted, you looked at the Ceiling, the Pictures of your Night with Tom came into your Mind when you closed your Eyes, you didnt want to sleep, Tom was haunting your Dreams, but what you didnt knew was that he was going through the same.

Tom laid in his Bed, Bobby next to him on the Blanket, when he looked at the Messages again and sighed "How could she do that to me?" He asked and looked at the sleeping Dog next to him. His Eyes went back to the Ceiling, one of his Pillows still smelled like you and he was hugging it in that Moment, for him you were Love at the first Sight, but also bad News after what the Guy had told him.

His Eyes fell down very often, but he didnt want to sleep, because than he would start dreaming and he knew that he would dream about you. He didnt want too, it just hurted him too much. The exact Moment you closed your Eyes, Tom closed his aswell, just so you both could see each other in your Dreams, you could hold each other and you could comfort each other...

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