Part 21

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(Emily's POV)

A bleep and sudden burst of light wakes me from my sleep. Groggily blinking my eyes open I roll to ask Alex what that was but as I reach over to tap him my hand meets nothing but cold bare sheets. Opening my eyes more fully I sit up slightly to stare at the empty space beside me.

"Alex?" I call out into the silence but I already know he isn't here.

It's still pitch black so it must be the middle of the night. Where on earth has he gone?

Leaning over, I turn on the light to look around me more. As I do so I catch sight of a piece of paper left on my bedside table right next to my phone which is showing one unread message.

I pick up the note first, written in Alex's neat handwriting.

Didn't want to wake you. An issue has come up on our west boundary and I need to go check it out.

Hopefully I'll be back before you wake and you won't even see this note but just in case you do, know I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you, Alex xxx

Judging by the coldness of the sheets beside me he's already been gone for a while so hopefully he won't be too much longer.

With a sigh I put the note down and reach for my phone which is still flashing: one unread message from Jess.

Em, there's been a border breach! Emergency procedure - You need to come to the school quick!

Gasping in shock I leap out of bed as my mind processes Jess' words. Oh My God! Is Alex ok? Who's attacking?

Grabbing a hoodie and shoving my feet into some trainers I grab my phone and quickly exit the bedroom. Glancing at the time I see it's 1.52am as I run down the stairs and open the front door to mine and Alex's home. Looking across at the community centre directly in front of me everything is still and silent. I make my way through the garden and skirt around the side of the building, racing towards the primary school building which stands at the edge of the main cluster of buildings. No lights are on and I can't see anyone else around which seems odd.

Panting from my jog I skid to a stop outside the main doors and look around. I test the doors but they are locked. An uneasy feeling starts to creep up on me. Where is Jess? If there's been a border breach shouldn't there be more people around reacting to it?

I walk around the building to see if Jess is waiting there but when I am still met with nothing but empty darkness I pull my phone from my pocket.

Pressing call I hold my breath as it rings and rings until a very groggy sounding Jess answers, "Hello?"

I've clearly just woken her up which sends a cold shiver down my spine.

"Jess, where are you? What's going on?"

"Em?" Jess sounds confused, "What do you mean? It's the middle of the night?"

"But you text me" I say desperately, full awareness that Jess didn't send that text now flooding over me. But if she didn't send it, who did? And why did they want to bring me out to the school in the middle of the night?

"Jess I think..." but that's as far as I get because suddenly strong arms wrap around me from behind. I gasp in shock and then try to scream but a foul-smelling cloth is shoved over my face. I try to twist and struggle, my phone falling out of my hand as I grapple with my unknown assailant. But within moments my vision starts to swirl and black spots dance across my eyes. I try to tell myself to fight the coming darkness but it's useless. The world fades into black.

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