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Manik after having his meds went to take rest.

C : nandu I am going for sight checking and from there itself I will go to office

Na : drop me in my office I don't want to be late and listen to those boring lectures of my boss

C : don't worry I will drop you on time navu. What about you nandu

N : bhai today it's an off for me

C : okay bacha take care of yourself and manik too.

N : yeah bhai don't worry about us I will take care.

Na : bye nandu

N : bye navu bye bhai

After bidding bye cabir after kissing nandini's forehead went with navya for their respective works.

After taking his much needed nap manik moved towards kitchen to fetch water only to see nandini searching for something in kitchen.

M : what are you searching nandini

With the sudden sound nandini startled little bit.

M : are you okay

N : yeah just startled with the sudden voice

M : hey I am sorry scaring you was not my intention

N : don't be sorry manik its not your fault. Without your fault don't say sorry to anyone. That's not you right. And yeah I know you are thinking about your past so don't think much which makes you feel guilty without any mistake of yours.

Hearing nandini words manik was surprised as how can she understand him that much. That he not even once said about his thoughts or his past.

N : manik

M : huh

N : you need something

M : yeah actually I came to fetch water but saw that you are searching something in kitchen so thought to help you

N : oh yeah searching for vegetables to prepare lunch

M : I will help you in preparing lunch

N : no you are still weak not needed

M : who is that stupid doctor who said that I am weak. See I'm perfectly fine

Hearing stupid doctor from manik, nandini made a fake glare and angry pout seeing nandini's pout manik thought to gobble her but alas he cant do that now.

N : haww manik you are calling me stupid

M : I am not calling you stupid. Am calling that doctor who treated me

N : I am the doctor who treated you manik

M : what really

N : yes I am a surgeon, myself Dr. Nandini

M : sorry yaar I really didn't mean it

N : no I don't need your sorry

Saying this nandini with a angry pout turned to other side indicating him that she is angry, manik seeing her antics chuckled

M : angry

Nandini didn't said anything just nodded as yes this made manik smile.

M : so what should I do to make it up

N : nothing much just 2 ice creams

M : no only one

N : no two

M : acha okay

N : sachi

M : muchi

Listening that nandini's eyes twinkle

M : yaar nandu you are such a kiddo

This surprised manik and nandini as he is calling her as nandu and kiddo this made her unknowingly smile and blush.

M (thought) : manik how can you call her like that what if she feels uncomfortable. But you were never like that you never talked with any girl like that but with nandu you are talking freely. She is really something yaar

M : acha nandu can I call you that

N : yeah I like it when you call me that

M : cool so we want groceries right lets go and buy them when returning from mall we can go to ice cream parlor.

N : sure lets change and move

M : but I don't have cloths

N : don't worry we will buy them too and for now change into cabir's dress.

M : okay

With that both went to change manik in cavya room and nandini in her room. After changing both moved towards mall.


PRECAP : manan shopping 



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