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Nandini was blabbering these and manik couldn't understand anything before manik could do something nandini fainted in manik's arms.

Manik panicked seeing nandini like that so he made her lay on bed carefully and called doctor

Within no time doctor came to jannat at the same time dazzlers too arrived there seeing doctor there they got panic as what had happened and to whom at the same time manik came towards doctor worriedly

C : manik what happened to whom are you fine where is nandini

M : I will tell you everything later doctor please come

Manik took doctor along with him others too followed them, after reaching manan room seeing nandini like that everyone panicked and got worried as what had happened.

Manik explained to doctor what had happened in the mall and also after reaching jannat, doctor after listening everything checked nandini

M : doctor is she fine what happened to her suddenly

Dr : she got panic attack did she used any anti-depressant pills and sleeping pills

Manik hearing about nandini taking pills he felt that the floor under him was snatched by someone after composing himself he replied,

M : I have no idea but after I came I don't think she used them as I am always with her I didn't see her taking those pills.

Dr : okay but take care of her I gave her an injection she will get up soon but she needs rest and stress free. if she get another panic attack I afraid she will slip into coma or she might loose her life too

Listening to doctor manik heart broke into million pieces he said nothing and sat beside nandini holding her hand into his both hands and seeing her without blinking his eyes.

K : come doctor I will drop you till door

Doctor before moving towards the door he patted manik's back and went with karan

C : manik don't worry she is a fighter

Manik didn't even respond to anyone he is seeing only nandini by holding her hand. 

After what felt like an eternity nandini opened her eyes, feeling the movements manik saw towards nandini and find she is opening her eyes.

M : jaan.. jaan look

N : mani

Nandini then remembered everything and again started shivering, manik sensing her shivering decided to talk to her so he eyed everyone to go out.

After everyone went out from their room manik hugged nandini tightly, feeling his warmth nandini hugged him tightly and started crying loudly. Manik seeing her like that felt like someone stabbed daggers in his heart, but he know that he need to be strong for her. She need to let that all out.

Manik after feeling that nandini's cry were reduced so he forcefully broke the hug, after clearing her tears he cupped her face and said lovingly,

M : jaan what happened to you suddenly who will take you away from me, you are my jaan you know that right say me what happened to you and why did you get those panic attacks.

Hearing that nandini again started shivering seeing her like that manik hugged her tightly, nandini too hugged him tightly and started to speak

Nandini reveals her past to manik, after hearing her past manik was shattered, 

N : but today when I saw him in shopping mall my past triggered me and I again got panic attack.

M : you are suffering these many years and I have no idea. I will kill him I wont leave him he is the reason for your this state I wont leave him

N : I cant risk your life no I wont allow you to do that

M : okay... okay I wont do anything calm down

N : I want to sleep peacefully without any nightmare

M : come lay down

Manik after tucking nandini to bed he made her sleep and moved out only to find tensed dazzlers and arjun.

M : why did you guys hide to me about her

Listening manik everyone frowned but karan and arjun got to know what he is talking about they shared a look and both look towards manik

K : you got to know about her past

M : yes and you two how can you do this when you two clearly know how I admire her and her professional skills, I know I didn't saw her but I used to admire her and have some feelings about her, even though knowing about my feelings you two hide that from me and you diverted me 

Ar : she said to hide everything from you

K : we tried to explain her but she is stubborn like you

C : guys what's going on

Manik karan and arjun said everything about nandini to others. Listening them all are in tears.

M : I wont leave them

K : that's the reason she hide these from you

Ar : yes she clearly know you are her monster and how possessive and protective towards her and for the loved ones

M : at that time I cant do anything but right now I can do anything, no one has the audacity to stop and answer back THE MANIK MALHOTRA

C : yeah but one person has that audacity to stop THE MANIK MALHOTRA

M : what are you talking cabir


M : don't you dare say her

N : but I heard everything

Manik turned to see nandini standing there at the entrance of living room. Nandini after not finding his warmth she woke up and came towards living room and heard everything which manik was saying.

N : mani I wont stop you but remember one thing he should be punished through law

M : okay I will find evidences against him.

Nandini nodded and everyone went to their rooms without talking anything as they are very tired of today's events.


PRECAP : plan to kidnap nandini

About nandini panc attack

About whom manik and nandini are talking

About whom manik is yelling at karan and arjun

Few words about manan

What next?



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