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Manan are in mall doing shopping. Manik covered himself because the people in the mall should not recognize him as he is quiet famous in all over India. Seeing that nandini made a face

M : what

N : why did you covered your face

M : I really don't want people to recognize me

N : why

M : I can't face them and I really don't want to face them. I wanted to spend time with you. If your questions are completed shall we move

Hearing him as he wanted to spend time with her nandini blushed before he could catch her blushing she composed herself and said

N : yeah come lets go. First we will buy your dresses okay

M : okay but I don't have my cards or any money with me.

N : no problem use mine

M : yours how can i

N : why cant you I'm your friend right if you really didn't feel comfortable then return me when you have them

M : okay I rest my case and I really cant win with your argument lets go

With that manik dragged nandini to men's section in the mall.

M : nandu will you select the dresses for me

Nandini nodded her head positively and started selecting for manik. After good 2 hours of shopping for manik they paid bill and moved out of that section.

M : god I am famished I really need food now

N : then lets go to food court and have our food

After reaching the food court in mall they took their places and ordered their food.

M : nandu lets play a game until our order comes

N : what game

M : hmm lets play 20 questions so that we can know each other too.

N : good idea you start first

M : cool then favorite color

N : white and black yours

M : red and black

N : favorite cuisine

M : Italian

N : Chinese

M : favorite places

N : Maldives

M : Paris

Like that they completed their game and knowing each other soon their order too came and started to have their lunch. 

Post completion of lunch manik ordered ice cream for nandu. Seeing ice cream she got excited and her eyes started twinkling seeing that manik chuckled and how can our nandu eat her ice cream normally so she started eating with her hands. Manik started admiring her before manik could start his ice cream nandu ate his ice cream too which he didn't realize.

After his admiring session manik thought to eat ice cream and looked towards his ice cream but his ice cream was missing, when he saw towards nandini she is eating his ice cream.

M : nandini that's my ice cream

N : so what you are not eating and see that ice cream is feeling bad

M : so

N : what so how can I make ice cream feel bad so I started eating so that ice cream can feel happy

Hearing nandini's answer manik shook his head in disbelief 

M : but you said you will eat only 2 then you are eating 3rd one right for that you will be punished

N : what punishment no

M : yes and the punishment is no ice creams for you for 10 days

N : no that's not possible you know ice creams will feel bad if I not eat them

M : no problem I will say them not to feel bad. You are not eating and that's final

N : monster

M : I heard that

N : good for you

M : okay come lets go still we need to buy groceries too.

With that nandini and manik moved for groceries shopping.

After the shopping for another 1 hour they moved to their home.





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