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Voice : ME

Seeing the most unexpected person there everyone was shocked and stood there with emotionless face.

R : you how dare you to come here

Voice (smirking) : why are you even trying to not accept the truth don't you know I am the new CEO and major share holder of Mehra Industries.

Mj : how is that even possible and raj don't worry I will do something these all are fake

Voice2 : how will you do Mr. Murthy you don't even have a single penny for yourself

Seeing the person infront of them all of their blood was dried in their veins and the whole Mehra industries were shocked seeing the most unexpected persons and the top most businessman and business woman there

Mj : nandini murthy I wont leave you

Voice : correction Mr. murthy she is not nandini murthy you think, now she is MRS.NANDINI MANIK MALHOTRA

R : manik how dare you to change your name and marry her without my consent

M : oh now my so called dad remembered me.

R : manik what is all these stop it

M : why should I stop now

R : because I am your dad

M : oh dad where were you when you killed my mom did you even thought about me no,  when you had a affair with this greedy lady and you killed my mom with this lady to acquire my mom property did you remembered me no then why should I consider you now

Mu (smirking) : but you cant do any thing about this company as most of the shares are on my name

N  : hawww mani what should we do now I think we cant acquire this company

Nandini said that with fake sadness and fake innocence

Mukti and all are smirking listening that

K : no Miss. Mehra you don't even have 0.01% shares in this industries you know why because manik cant transfer his property without the signature of his wife but in your documents his wife signature is missing so basically this company still belongs to manik Mehra who now changed his name as manik malhotra

R : what

C : karan they still don't know anything so show them the documents man we have a conference meeting too

K : sure cabir why not

Saying that karan shows all the documents required which states that manik is still the ceo of Mehra industries as he didn't even resigned his job when he left

Before they come out of their shock police came inside and arrested all of them

R : leave us why are you arresting

M : don't worry Mr. Mehra I will tell you the reason so you are arrested for the murder charges. See you never behaved as my dad but I am your son na I cant see you there suffering alone so for your company I requested them to arrest your partners too as they are also the partners in this murder right.

Mj : what

M : you think I will leave you when I clearly know you four killed my mom along with amma appa

A : dad don't worry I will get you out

N : but who will get you out Mr. Murthy

A : what do you mean

M : what do she mean is you along with fab5 are arrested

Fab5 : what

N : yes you know why I will tell you, you are charged with attempt to murder and attempt to kidnap charges

Mj : what

N : yes oh didn't you tell them what you did with me and manik haww how can you keep them in dark bhai

Mu : you don't have any proofs

Kr : yaar is she dumb from starting or she is trying to be dumb

K : we have proofs as the goons and the truck driver caught and surrendered

Fab5 : what

M : yes and now officers take them right now

K : and before you are going we have another news for you Mehra mansion along with all the naina maa belongings and properties are now belongs to manik

With that police officers dragged them towards police station and media is covering everything.

This was dazzlers plan to get them arrested.

(so this was the plan made by dazzlers to arrest and teach them a lessen)

After that manik and nandini hand overed both murthy industries and Mehra industries and merged them into infinity industries.

After merging all of them declared that infinity industries along with life line hospitals comes under manan empire.

 navya after 6 months gave birth to a baby boy named abeer cabir dhawan, after 8 months of navya's delivery nandini gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom they named as myra manik malhotra, whereas karan and krystal got married after 2 months.





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