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We returned home with heavy hearts, overcome by sadness and grief from the loss of Arnold. It weighs heavily on us as we contemplate how to deliver the heartbreaking news to his ailing mother, fearing the impact it may have on her fragile health. As we make our way back to Poblacion, we can't help but imagine Arnold among the anxious group of mothers eagerly awaiting our arrival at the second gate of the city. Unbeknownst to him, tragedy has befallen him. Deeply agonizing for a mother like Aling Dolor is the unfortunate reality that she won't have the chance to give her son the dignified burial he deserves.

Arnold was Aling Dolor's fourth child, the only one to survive as the others tragically passed away shortly after birth. Aling Dolor finds herself without a husband as well, having become a widow after fighting against the unknown beasts before giving birth to her son. Now, in the solitude of her life, she faces the harsh reality of advancing age without any companions by her side. She has been left behind by the two people she cherished most: her husband and her only child, who cherished the dream of following in his father's footsteps.

Salve's eyes were swollen from crying, a testament to her deep connection with Arnold as a close friend. It was evident by her stunned expression as she witnessed our friend being carried away by the pusang lampung. I, too, felt helpless, knowing that neither Salve nor I possessed the training necessary to protect Arnold from a fully grown lampung. Our abilities remain undeveloped as our blood has yet to be screened by the blood council, hindering our potential to act in such situations.

Allow me to share the story of the city where I spent my childhood, enabling you to comprehend the situation that unfolded in the aftermath of the Doomsday virus.

The Walled City of Balaue was constructed to shield the remaining population from the menace posed by the black bloods and the animals that mutated into savage creatures due to the virus. These violent beasts frequently launched relentless attacks, preying upon the survivors who had developed immunity. Within a mere three-year span, the once thriving civilization established by humans crumbled in the wake of this single devastating illness.

Initially, many of the survivors were among the first to be infected by the virus, necessitating the presence of doctors in hospitals. However, as the contagion spread, even those in the healthcare profession fell victim to the disease, succumbing one by one. Eventually, there were no doctors or experts left to provide treatment for the afflicted. In a desperate plight, the immune doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel took on the arduous task of caring for those affected by the Doomsday virus. Sadly, they too succumbed to overwhelming patient numbers and the immense suffering endured. The sight of unburied corpses strewn across the streets, parks, malls, and homes became a grim reality. The surviving immune individuals of that time reflect upon this period as a living manifestation of hell. They witnessed the true horrors of death, suffering, and the pervasive absence of hope during the pandemic.

The world fell silent due to the pandemic. There were no sounds of cars on the streets, no vibrant music enjoyed by the youth, and even the birds' chirping seemed to have disappeared. Only the gentle rustle of the wind through the branches of lush trees could be heard in the surroundings. The rainfall tapping on rooftops and the booming thunder accompanied by lightning added to the tranquil symphony that enveloped the quiet world.

According to my father, in the year 2027, immune and recovered individuals embarked on rebuilding and reviving the cities and towns that had been left behind by civilization after the pandemic. People were still dazed and possessed lingering fear, despite the virus no longer having any effect on their health. But did it truly have no effect anymore?

They diligently cleaned the streets and buried the remaining bodies of both humans and animals. They ventured into other buildings in search of additional food and useful resources. Competitions arose among different groups of pandemic survivors, struggling for provisions, valuable supplies, and even territorial control. Killings occurred in one place, battles fought in another, as if humanity had regressed back to savagery. Until some of those who had recovered showcased extraordinary abilities, ones that were far from ordinary. Some possessed psychokinesis, the power to manipulate and move objects solely with their minds.

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