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THE MEETING WITH THE Shelbys had been no more than a week ago, and already both parties were eager to re-engage with one another at the Cheltenham Races. Prior to Roberts's advisory, Billy had already made a plan to get to Thomas whilst they were there - one of his ways involving not only Rory but also Amor.

Which was truly confusing for the Miller girl since Amor was completely clueless on the real business that went on for the Birmingham Boys. As far as the naive James girl went, all her best friend and her family did was run the racecourses around England. Which was obviously what they were known for, but for those who were part of gangs around Britain, they were also known for not exactly showing mercy to those who tried to cross them.

Amor was not aware of this, nor were most women that met Billy Kimber. For Lorelai Miller was the only woman to be part of the gang. And she, of course, didn't particularly want to drive away her best friend by letting her in on what actually went on behind the scenes.

So the car drive down to Cheltenham had been somewhat quiet on Rory's behalf, the girl simply listening as Amor and Billy flirted harmlessly with one another. A rather disgusting sight to behold, and certainly not one that she planned to ever witness again.

Which was why when the car finally pulled up at the Racecourse, engine still running and Billy still trying to woo Amor, Rory had been the first to leave the car, quickly walking away and towards the bar even before her cousin or friend would have time to blink.

She had noticed that not a single Peaky Blinder seemed to be around. Thomas was probably sticking close to his horse, and the other two brothers hadn't seemed to appear. Which would explain the lack of chaos, as of the minute.

And she was certain she'd passed about four or five Lee brothers. But for the moment they didn't matter because they weren't causing any harm and the Miller didn't plan to either.

So once she'd ordered herself a drink and found a place to sit to watch the races without the constant nagging of her cousin, Rory finally felt at peace.

She just hoped it would stay like that afterwards.

. . .

Billy hadn't been too infuriated by the end of the races, rather pleased by the outcome actually. Thomas's horse had come the place it was supposed to, along with all the other horses that had either been fixed or not with his permission.

And because of the final outcome, the Kimber man had insisted Roberts, Amor, Rory and himself went for drinks and a dance in celebration.

Which was what had lead to the four sat at around a table in the corner of the dance hall. Amor and Rory were sharing a cigarette, Roberts looking positively bored as he watched the jazz dancers dance away on the stage, and Billy watching Thomas Shelby and the blond barmaid from The Garrison.

Many men and women were dancing away on the floor, not a single inch of the wooden ground being visible under the glittery shoes. Yellow flowers decorated the hall, a set of instruments sat in front of the stage, and various trays with drinks drifting around the room.

𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙮, John Shelby Where stories live. Discover now