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LORELAI MILLER WAS A new addition to the inhabitants of Small Heath, living in the tiny attic room above of the Garrison. The man who owned it, the red-haired barman from before by the name of Harry Fenton, had offered the room to her almost as soon as they met the evening of her arrival.

Thomas had introduced them after taking her down to the pub for introductory drinks, where she'd also met the likes of Grace Burgess and Charlie Strong, who'd both been rather kind to her, the latter rendering a job for her at his yard if she ever needed it.

Harry was, self-admittedly, hoping to work slightly less. And quite frankly, he didn't care about Rory paying rent, just for her to get on her feet and make her own way in the world. All he asked in return was for the freshly-moved in woman to help out on a Friday and Saturday evening when the entire place was full to the brim - permitting that it didn't get in the way with Peaky business.

Forever the grateful and knowing that this offer was far too generous and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Rory accepted and began living above the Garrison, squished into the tiny apartment.

Everything was squished into this tiny attic, but Rory didn't mind it one bit. In one corner, a kitchen that consisted of plants and cookery books in every corner of the white-painted cupboards, a fridge right up by the door with a rubbish bin beside it and an oven besides the sink just along a bit. Besides the final cupboard, a window with a view of the lanes beside the building which opened up and had planters below it on the outside, and a small circular table on the inside.

Besides the table was a small living area; a desk and an old, plush velvet couch, the cushions a cornflower-blue and dotted with all sorts of decorative patterns. In front of that was a bookshelf, and a glass door onto a small balcony, where a bench and a multitude of plants sat, basking in the sun.

Next to the sofa area was the door into the small bathroom, and pushed into the corner was a rather plush double bed. On one side, a plantar with another one beneath it and in the other side a tall shelving unit, overflowing with books and clutter. Far above the bed, which had it's original plain duvet cover but was concealed with patterned quilts and cushions, were a set of shelves, which were most noticeably covered in all sorts of pictures, tiny statues and random objects between them.

Just by the end of the bed were the big double windows, and beneath that a desk - and more books. On the other side of that, a full length, golden rimmed mirror propped up against the wall with sets of shoes and a box of jackets surrounding it.

The whole attic was covered in splurges of green nature and pictures, as well as a large lamp in the corner of the living room. The wooden floorboard was covered in a fluffy rug, and each window was accompanied by a set of mesh curtains.

More often than not, Sadie would be found lazing around in the pools of sunlight of the attic, and as well as the rest of the clutter and plants, cat food and bowls of water were laid across the floor. It seemed to smell of that as well, but it was over-ridden by a combination of lavender and bergamot.

All in all, it was a very bright, cluttered and cosy attic room, sloping roof just above where the windows ended. Below her was the first floor, which had the main bar and an office space, below that being a kitchen - which wasn't commonly used due to most customers simply going to get drunk.

Her presence, despite only being there for a whole three days and having not actually started her work yet, was unusually bright in the grey and smoking streets of Small Heath, currently running errands for Harry as Sadie follows her around, wrapping herself around Rory's ankles as she conversed with random members on the street.

They were all incredibly friendly, and could always find something for Rory to help with. Everyone seemed to have created a reputation for the Miller - a sweetheart who somehow had been intwined with the Peaky Blinders, which was incredibly strange to the community considering her personality next to someone like Tommy Shelby's. And whilst she seemed to dance down the pavements, eyes always seemingly dazed and as if she were in a dream, something managed to keep her grounded - which Amor had always claimed was because of Billy's impact on her.

According to Belinda Smithers, who owned a quaint little sweet shop and had lived in Small Heath her entire life, it was a breath of fresh air. Belinda was quite the gossip, and had spotted Rory as a new inhabitant from miles off - watching gang wars and hiding from many Shelbys for years, and when Harry informed her of Rory's new residency in his attic, wondering if Thomas had hired someone far too sweet, Mrs Smithers had reminded him of who exactly she was related to.

And with Belinda being the source of most gossip around the community, news soon spread that Rory was one to not be feared in the village, and already people were asking for favours from the girl. Because it was well known that she wouldn't be working for another week and so had nothing to do, and anybody would be utterly stupid to deny extra help.

It seemed Rory had become quite the focus of the residents of Small Heath, and it was just a matter of keeping her safe within the holes of gang work and what she would really end up doing at the end of it all.

None of them would expect her final choice, the Peaky Blinders that were setting up for their future deals with Billy Kimber and racecourses around Britain, which was filling by the minute. But Rory liked to surprise people,

And nothing she ever did was predictable.

𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙮, John Shelby Where stories live. Discover now