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RORY WAS WORKING harder than usual, the girl moving around the Betting Den continuously in an attempt to keep her mind off the pub. She was truly stuck again, the girl trying to think quickly in an attempt to work out where she was going to live for the time being until The Garrison could be rebuilt.

She would never ask to stay at someone else's house, the woman being much too proud to invite herself into another home in fear of being named a burden as opposed to much else.

Which was the exact reason she was trying not to think of the situation at hand, instead immersing herself in the paperwork piled up on Polly's office desk, the girl finding the older lady's company much more useful than thinking off everything else she had to do.

The paperwork however was already done and only needed filing which didn't take long at all, leaving the woman out of tasks to do. She ended up making herself comfortable on the desk chair, chin rested in the palm of her hand, elbow rested on the surface as she watched Polly converse with one of the men who was taking money from the eager guests wanting to take bets.

"Polly." The sight of John in the doorway instantly made the Miller girl brighten up, Rory sitting up a little more out of interest for his conversation topic. "Did he say who did it?" He asked, eyes switching between his Aunt and the girl at the desk who was contemplating on making a cup of tea.

"He's gone to the Black Lion." Polly replied, dropping a key into one of her drawers and then following Rory through the corridor. "Tommy does everything on his own." She stated as the Shelby questioned his brother's lack of ability to do anything with another person.

"Should I go there?" John asked, following the two as they made their way closer to the kitchen. "Should I go see him?"

"No!" Polly shook her head as she crossed through the hallway into the kitchen, following the younger girl towards the sink to revive the mugs they'd left in there earlier.

"Where the fuck is Arthur?" The Shelby continued, hands pushed into his pockets, question more aimed at Rory who he suspected would know the correct answer.

"Protecting the Garrison's whisky from the police." Rory smiled amusedly, pouring more water into the teapot on the counter. "Apparently that's the main priority at the minute."

"For fuck sake." A groan left John's lips as he pulled the kitchen doors shut, standing by the case of china plates whilst looking at the two women. "Feels like things are getting out of hand." He stated, hands returning to his pockets.

"So get 'em in hand." Polly dropped her bag into the table, opening the contents whilst Rory poured boiled liquid into two mugs.

"Know what Ada said to me this morning?" John continued, Polly pulling out a metal case and extracting a cigarette from it. "She said we all look like we work in a factory under the ground... said we look like ghosts."

"She'll be back." The Gray lit her cigarette, pushing it between her teeth as Rory placed her mug down on the table and then pulled herself up onto the kitchen counter, fingers wrapped around her own hot-rimmed drink. "When she needs us, she'll be back."

"And anyway." John followed Polly's movements as she walked round him. "Who the fuck would blow up our pub?" He asked, the question echoing around Rory's mind like a never ending song.


"Six, what?" His brows dropped into a furrow, glancing over to the Miller, wondering if she knew what the Gray's answer was supposed to mean.

"Six questions since you walked through that door." Polly replied, a stream of smoke escaping her mouth. "Soon you'll have to start being the man with the answers." She stated, pulling one of the chairs over to the fireplace in the corner.

John's face scrunched up, sharing a look with Rory who was still trying to work out where she'd seen that green confetti before. "Why?"

"Seven." Polly sighed, cigarette resting between her fingers. "Because when London happens, you'll have to hold up your end. Or we'll find somebody else who can." She stood from the chair, dropping it back into place at the table and then taking the mug of tea and wandering back into the Betting Den, bored of John's questions.

"Who do you think's done it then?" The Shelby asked, slumping down into one of the kitchen chairs. He was genuinely curious, thinking that if Tommy wasn't sure than Rory would have at least a fair idea what with her past experiences.

The woman shrugged. "No idea. I've definitely seen the confetti before, when a stables was blown." She sighed, head pressing against the wall. "I'd imagine Solomons or Sabini, since they're the only people larger than us. I doubt anyone else is as eager to get on the wrong side of Tommy."

John nodded, lips pursing as his eyes glazed over for a moment, seemingly growing lost in thought. "And what about you?" He asked, gazing up at her, brows furrowed ever so slightly. "What're you gonna do now?"

Rory placed her empty mug on the counter beside her, admittedly still trying to think through everything that had happened that morning. "I have no idea... I think I'll check the papers for an accommodation near by. I haven't checked my accounts but I would hazard that there's possibly enough money for me to buy a small property at least. Otherwise I might have to make amends with Amor, see if she's still got a spare room."

John shook his head, the familiar sympathy that always filled him when he thought of her old home once again flooding into his mind. "You don't have to do that." He stated. "You can move in with me - I have a spare room, the girls share a room and so do the boys, it's not like we're lacking for space."

Rory's eyes widened, guilt weighing on her shoulders. "I couldn't do that, what if they thought I was replacing Martha? Besides, I wouldn't want to ruin the routine you've managed to slip into."

"They understand you're not Martha." John chuckled, enthusiasm gleaming within his eyes. "And I think Katie's growing tired of my terrible plaiting skills."

The corners of her lips turned up, dark eyes starring at the Shelby, searching for any hint of a joke or regret for offering her the room. "Are you sure?" Her voice was quieter than expected. "I'll pay rent and help with the kids, I promise."

John rolled his eyes as she slid off the counter and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You don't need to pay rent. Consider taking Ben and Katie to school your form of payment."

"I would love to." Rory smiled, leaning backwards to search his features once more for any sign of regret. "And you're definitely sure?"

Another chuckle rang around the room. "Obviously."

In all honestly he was just glad to get more adult company, especially when it was from the girl he had far too much of a soft spot for.

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been revising a lot this past month
because of my gcses which start soon. I'm going to try and pre-write as many
chapters as I can over the next week to hopefully keep updates going !

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