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The bedroom at the end of the hall was posh and everything I couldn't afford back on Earth. The comforters were gray and fluffy. Gold was woven into the fibers of the rugs with intricate designs. There was even a dresser full of clothes that somewhat fit, all of them softer than silk. And yet...

I felt like I was dying again.

I had no idea what time it was. The clock was on the side table next to the bed, but I was too lazy to roll over. My nose dripped. My temples throbbed with each heartbeat as if I'd taken a dive headfirst into a concrete sidewalk. I woke up from more dreams about a certain alien, ones that were much more explicit before.

I was too sick to reminisce about them.

Screw it. I rolled over. The clock said two in the morning, which didn't mean much. Time could be kept differently here.

"Ugh," I grumbled, placing a pillow over my face. I'd rummaged through the drawers and discovered an oversized shirt and shorts. Even after changing my clothes, I was still uncomfortable.

Thunder erupted outside.

Medicine. I need medicine. I raked my fingers through the snarls in my hair, but to no avail. Something caught my attention through the open door—the living room's light was on, spilling yellow across the hallway.

Somebody was here?

I made my way down the hallway, holding my head in my left hand, glaring at the floor.

"You had trouble staying in REM sleep," Dumuzi noted. I peeked at him from under my mess of hair. He sat on the sofa with a book in his hand. It looked hilariously small in his palm. "So I came to check on you. I apologize for what I said when I left."

How'd he know about my sleep? "You came back."

"It was your intention to make me promise to do so. Are you restless?"

"Can't sleep. Allergies. Thanks for the apology, I guess?"

Even though he had apologized, I couldn't keep the acid out of my voice. I mean, he left pretty quickly, and it was clear he was keeping things from me. I was surprised that he was here to begin with.

I never thought I'd see him again.

"Must be the pollen you were exposed to earlier today. My apologies. I did not think it would affect you."

Awkward silence. Why was he here now... in the middle of the night? I frowned, grossly rubbing my nose clean with my sleeve. Clearing my throat, I muttered, "Care to explain how I'm the one that's killing you?"

He said nothing.


Sighing, I shrugged a shoulder. "I'm glad to see that you are back. I was afraid I would do something wrong and you'd... vanish."

Like everyone else.

He gently closed the book and placed it on his lap. His hair looked smoother as if he had washed it. He was dressed neatly in grey slacks and gleaming black shoes.

His violet eyes inspected me. If my head hadn't been hurting, I would have inquired as to what book he was reading—and whether books were common in his world. He didn't respond to my question. I sighed in frustration, unable to care because I was too tired.

"Come closer so I can explain myself."

Nervousness swirled inside my stomach as I padded to him.

He held out his massive hand. Before I could ask what he was doing, a brilliant, white light appeared above his palm. The light became a snake, growing bluer as the seconds went on. It danced in the air above his fingers and his eyes lightened many shades. "Do you see this?"

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