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"Alright," I said, just as the medication hit me like a ton of bricks. My voice sounded sad. "I think I need to go to bed. Can you return tomorrow so we can talk more?"

Please say yes.

"Of course."

Relief filled me.

My legs were unsteady, so I wasn't sure how I would get into bed. Luckily, I didn't have to worry about that for long.

He moved and placed his hands on my elbows for support, helping me traverse the dim hallway as I tried not to trip over my feet. With his strong hands on my elbows and the warmth of his body so close behind me, I thought about what he said.

The more I resist  Osa, the more my mind and body will fracture until I am no more.

I didn't want him to die, even though I just met him. I planted my feet when we got to the threshold of my room.

"Dumuzi?" I asked, my voice small.


"How long do you have left to live? Do you think you can figure a way out of this before then?"

Dead silence.

It was almost as if he didn't want to tell me. I stood my ground, though, letting the silence drag on. Just when I was about to give up, he spoke, his voice barely audible.

"A few weeks, perhaps."

"Weeks?" I squeaked.

"Death is a natural part of life. I have many accomplishments that look after my name. I have a brother that will take my seat on the council. You will be taught by me until I cannot anymore; then, somebody else will take my place. I will ensure you will not be alone. Why is this an issue?"

"Why is that an"

I couldn't even finish my sentence.

How could he just stand there and talk about his death like that? So... cold. Like it didn't even matter; a haircut, paying a bill. I shook my head, reeling, as a new question bubbled to the surface of my lips.

"I know I'm high and all, so tell me if you don't want to answer my next question. I was just wondering..."

I closed my eyes hard, biting my tongue. Despite the weird way the medication made me feel, I swallowed back my shyness and self-doubt. I was so confident and carefree before. Not so much now. "Do you find me attractive? I am just asking, because of what you said. The whole-soul mate thing."

"In which way?"

"In any way," I said quickly, opening my eyes to stare at the doorframe. "But, you know, to start, how about physically?"

Something that sounded like a sigh came from behind me. I wasn't sure why I was asking him this. What was the point? He would just tell me no; I was human, and he had to hold back vomit when he was around me. That Osa was torturing him for no good reason.

When he didn't respond, I continued. "A soul mate implies a romantic bond. Is that even possible for you? Considering the fact that I don't look like your kind. I find you attractive. I just, I don't even know how you guys would, you something about that attraction. Because you aren't human," I rambled. "What happens if you don't find an answer on how to stop it? You said it was trying to bond you to me. What happens if it does?"

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