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As I slipped on my shoes and sat on the edge of the bed, I grumbled at my headache. François and I had stayed up late, along with Shadrach, who stayed for a bit for whatever reason.

François found a bottle of what she thought was wine.

It must've been, because we both got drunker than a skunk, practically spilling our lives to each other about what we were like before the end of the world. We chatted into the early hours of the morning, as Shadrach watched from afar, always in the room's corner and saying nothing.

I heard him chuckle a few times, though. Usually from what Francois said. Other than that, he kept mostly to himself, and it surprised me he didn't leave–the big guy had to tilt his head and hunch his shoulders to fit in certain parts of the living room.

Something is up with you, and that alien, isn't there? François had asked when I returned to the house after Dumuzi and I's... fight, make-out session, whatever you wanted to call it.

I told her everything.

The reason he was dying shocked her.

She assured me I should not be afraid, that these were 'good beings'. I mean, she was right, but only regarding Dumuzi. I told her that the rest of his kind despised humanity and would rather see us perish in our mistakes.

I told her I wanted to change that.

Almost as if she didn't believe me, she asked Shadrach if he felt the same way. Shadrach did not respond, wrapping our night up quickly. She was just as upset at their view of humanity as I was.

At least I had a new friend who felt the same.

I sighed.

It was a good thing I gulped down three tall glasses of water before heading to bed. Or I would've been dead on my feet this morning.

"You must wear boots."

My heart leaped as he startled me. Dumuzi stood in the doorway, ducking his head under the frame. He cast his eyes around my room and then focused on me. I blushed. All the bedrooms I've had reflected my chaotic mind; messy, somewhat organized, but not clean by any means.

I made a face. "Don't sneak up on me like that. For somebody who is so big, you move too quietly."

"Today, we are going for a walk outside. Your shirt is appropriate; it covers your arms. But you are going to need a hat."

I took in the dark grey of his shirt and pants as he approached. His long, white hair spilled, as straight as a needle, behind his back. His dark circles remained today, but they were not as purple. His eyes were just as frenzied as usual.

He was in a better mood than yesterday, but still not in a good one. He obviously didn't want to talk about what was bothering him, so I wouldn't pester him about it.

He opened the closet door and took out a pair of boots. Kneeling in front of me, he grabbed my foot and yanked my shoe off. He repeated the process with the other foot. He put on the boots and tightened the laces.

"I can dress myself." I frowned. "You could just give me a few more minutes to change."

"In my culture, dressing a mate is considered an honor."


He stood and smirked. He chose a drawer in the dresser behind him I hadn't yet explored. He fished a hat out and gently put it on my head. The hat was pink.

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