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Despite being underground, the air was dry and cool. The platform sunk, coming to a stop in front of two metal gates. The gates were as dark as iron; their bars twisted and bent to resemble vines or snakes.

I glanced above me, saying a quiet goodbye to the strange world above us.

Dumuzi's unruly white hair resembled spider webs across his torso. This amused me, but only for a little while; I was too worried about why we were here—to learn why the Enuki created mankind. I had asked for it, and had asked for him to teach me what he knew...

But I still couldn't shake the nerves. I had a feeling I had stepped into some major shit without realizing it, but wasn't that what being a journalist was all about? Pushing boundaries, wanting to learn no matter what?

This would determine if we were going to be together, so there were bigger stakes here.

"Your hair is a mess," I told him to keep from thinking dark thoughts.

A purple eye gazed down at me as he remained facing forward. "Perhaps you should brush it for me sometime."

I blushed a bright red, sucking in a sharp breath, remembering what he said about doing hair.

"Sure," I said too quickly. After all, I wouldn't mind the idea. I was all in for new experiences. Or maybe all in forstalling. "Quickie right in this odd elevator, then?"

He chuckled, but the tone was throaty, deep. "Pearl, you're making it very difficult for me to resist taking you right here in this dusty, ancient lift to complete the bond. It's delightfully tempting, but I fear my ancestors would revolt against such disrespect and may come raging out of their very graves to smite me."

With a grunt, the metal doors swung open. He went and I stayed behind, legs locked with shock. I was sure my eyes were huge. Concern was apparent on his sharp features suddenly. "Did my choice of words offend you?"

"Not really, no. It just occurred to me how important this is to all of you. Sacred places and all of that. I do not want to say the wrong thing and cause any problems."

He extended his hand. "I have a feeling by the end of the day it will be me apologizing to you. Do not worry, little human. Come along."

I walked forward and took it, frowning at what he said. Just what exactly did he mean?

He guided me into a large chamber decorated in various shades of tan and dark stone. Intricate carvings were embedded on their surface. They looked like pictures from various periods of time in his world, like snapshots of history, but too detailed to make out what was really happening.

A carving was pointed out by him and its meaning was explained. The carvings told the story of his people, their heroes, their battles, and their triumphs over creation. The rich detail and intense beauty of the artwork captivated me, but he kept the stories brief.

He kept walking and I followed him to a bigger chamber. "At last, we are here."

"This is it?" I stared at the majesty before me, chewing my lip.

I was going to apologize for my sweaty hand, but I had a feeling he wouldn't care. My nerves were incredibly worked up. He dropped my hand as I studied the space in more detail.

The floor was smooth, glossy, and black. What looked like fingers of gold veined through it, pulsing with light every so often. The room was dim, but not too dark.

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