7: First Day of School

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A/N: Hey y'all, sorry for not updating for such a long time, I've been really busy since school started. Idk when I'll write the next chapter, but I hope you'll enjoy this one. Thanks!


"You got everything you need?" Izuku's mom circled around him nervously at the doorway of their apartment.

"Yeah, Mom," Izuku put on his trusty red shoes and straightened his UA uniform.

His mother smiled proudly at him with tears in her green eyes. Seeing her like this, Izuku started tearing up as well.

"You ok Izuku?"

Izuku pulled his mother into a hug, "Just... thank you so much for always being there for me. I promise, whatever happens during my hero training, I will never let you worry."

"I love you, Izuku."

"Love you, too."


Izuku looked up at the huge 1-A door.

Fading memories came back to life as he pushed open the door, and the usual urge to cry resurfaced.

There were all his classmates. He recognized all of them, all of his friends. Izuku couldn't be more relieved that his improved entrance score did not affect which students were in this class.

Bakugo and Iida were still yelling at each other when Iida spotted Izuku.

"It's him!" Iida said, and everyone turned to Izuku.

"Hi, guys," Izuku smiled.

Iida marched over like a robot, "Greetings, I'm Iida Tenya."

Izuku waved, "I'm Midoriya Izuku. Uh, nice to... meet you I guess."

Then he heard someone mutter, "Wait, that's the guy who placed first in the entrance exam..."

"... I heard he surpassed second place by nearly 20 points..."

"...seriously --"

Izuku ignored the whispers of his classmates.

"Hey! I recognize that messed up hair!" A cheerful voice chirped, and Izuku turned to see Uraraka standing at the door.

"You're the nice boy that saved me at the exam! Your quirk is so cool!"

Izuku smiled, "Thanks, I'm really happy you were accepted as well!"

She nodded, then tilted her head, "I wonder if we're gonna do anything apart from orientation?"

He smiled wryly at her question, "We're probably not even gonna have orientation."

Uraraka looked very confused. She was about to say something when a deep, zombie-like voice interrupted her.

"If you're here to make friends, you should just go back home."

The voice made Izuku jump and he lowered his gaze to the ground.

There he was, Aizawa sensei, in his yellow sleeping bag. Black, long and disheveled hair spilled across his face.

Aizawa stood up slowly, then introduced himself and pulled out the blue gym uniform, "put these on and go outside."

Izuku forced himself not to laugh at the other 19 confused faces in the room. Nobody here ever knew what hardships UA and Aizawa sensei would be throwing at them.

We never knew.

On the field, Aizawa introduced the quirk apprehension test. "You've been taking physical exams your entire lives, but you've never got to use your quirks before..."

Izuku stopped listening for a moment but suddenly stiffened when Aizawa called his name.

"Midoriya," the teacher said in his monotone voice, "you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw with a softball in Junior high?"

What? Izuku stood stupefied. How can he remember that? He didn't have a Junior High physical test since... well, chronologically, two years. The last physical test was this exact one, but a year ago.


"Uh... I don't remember. I'd say... 40 something meters, maybe less?" Izuku answered a most appropriate estimate for his previous stick figure self.

"Try doing it with your quirk this time." Aizawa handed him the ball.

Deku took the ball in his sweaty palm. It seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

This didn't happen last time.

A couple of feet away, Bakugo was on the verge of killing Izuku on the spot.

"Huh," the blond boy scoffed, his arms crossed, "see if you can use that stupid quirk of yours, you loser."

Iida overheard and frowned. "Very unsportsmanlike, Bakugou!"

Bakugo ignored him.

Izuku made his way to the circle marked on the ground, sneaked a glance at his childhood friend one last time, then pulled back his arm.

With around 4% of One For All, Izuku threw the ball out like a catapult. A few seconds later, Aizawa's device beeped, and the teacher showed everyone Deku's score.

666.6 meters. The class gasped.

Bakugo wrinkled his face. His mouth was pressed in a thin line and his eyes pierced Izuku like twin daggers.

"Deku, you f**king bastard!" Bakugo stomped up to Izuku, "If I ever found out you were holding back, you're dead!"

"I wasn't," Izuku lied. Izuku was sure he would die instantly if his childhood friend knew the true strength of his quirk.

"Hey," Aizawa dragged Bakugo away from Izuku, "You're wasting my time. We will start the exam."

The teacher turned to the rest of the class, "By the way, all of you, UA is not a place to do whatever you want, and it will definitely not be fun. The person who comes last in this physical exam will be expelled."

Everyone gasped and shouted in disbelief. Someone was yelling a protest, but Izuku wasn't listening.

It won't be long until Bakugo finds out about OFA. It may be best to tell him about it sooner rather than later.

"Midoriya," Aizawa pulled Izuku aside as the rest of the class gathered to the running track, "This test is to determine your quirk's upper limit, and I can not tolerate lazy attempts. Keep in mind that you must try your best in order to succeed."

Izuku tensed, then nodded. Aizawa must've realized Izuku reduced his power in the throw.

In the later tests, in order not to look like he's slacking, while at the same time keeping his still-weak body in check, Izuku used around 6% of his power for all the tests and got pretty good scores. So with the help of OFA strengthening his body, he ranked 4th, right after Bakugo.

"DAMMIT!! WHO PLACED IN FRONT OF ME?!" Bakugo was yelling at someone. At least he wasn't directly angry at Izuku.

On the other end of the ranking list, Mineta was shaking so hard his teeth clattered.

"If I get expelled, I won't be able to see all the UA girls--"

Izuku smacked Mineta on the back, not wanting to hear the rest of the short boy's sentence.

"Oh, and," Aizawa said nonchalantly, "I was lying. No one's going home today."

Mineta blinked, then let out a sigh of relief.

"Bad move," Izuku muttered quietly. Not expelling Mineta? Aizawa, you'll face the consequences.

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