28: Mirio

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It was the second day of the hero agency internship week.

"Good morning, Sir!" Izuku came into the hero's office and set down his costume case, "Do you have anything for me to work on today?"

"Go patrol, and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity," Nighteye took a sip from his cup of coffee with his usual annoyed expression.

"Am I patrolling on my own?"

"Nah! I'll be going with you!" Another voice suddenly exploded from behind Izuku, making him jump.

"Togata!" Izuku beamed at the sight of the third-year student.

Togata was wearing his hero costume, with his signature red cape and "1000000" stamped across his chest. His blond hair and bright blue eyes shined in the late morning sunlight that was pouring through the office windows.

"You know me?" Togata raised his eyebrows, "Holy pretzel, I must be famous!"

Izuku tried to hide his panic.

Seriously, Izuku? Yelling the name of someone you haven't met yet?

"Uh...Yeah!" Izuku racked his brain for an excuse, "I've seen you from the sports festival! And you're one of the big three, right? I've heard a lot of stories about you!"

"Well, buckle up, my friend," Togata winked, "Cause you're gonna experience all the awesomeness in person now!"

The third-year student burst into laughter, and Izuku smiled along, glad that Togata was so energetic, and will continue to be even when times get dark.

"I'm just joking," Togata put a hand on Izuku's shoulder, "I'm actually really excited to work with you, sports festival winner."

"Mirio, take Midoriya with you for the morning patrol," Sir Nighteye ordered.

"Yes, Sir!"

After changing into his hero costume, Izuku followed Togata outside the building and onto their patrol route.

As Izuku traveled on the sidewalks, he paid close attention to any alleyway, storefront, or street corner that villains, especially Overhaul, may be lurking in. When they passed the street where they met Eri in his last life, Izuku couldn't help but stop in his tracks.

"Is something wrong?" Togata looked back.

"No," Izuku stared into the darkness of the alley, then looked away. "Nothing's wrong."

He must've sounded grim because Togata immediately put on his joking face.

"Hey Midoriya, what's your hero name?"


"Deku. Hmm, that's an interesting name. But anyway, Deku, do you want to hear a tip about being a hero?"

Izuku knew it would probably be a silly joke, seeing the look on Togata's face, "Sure."

"You wanna know how heroes keep their cool?"


"They have a lot of fans!"

Right when Izuku was about to facepalm he heard the voice of a teenage boy yell, "Dude! Is that the U.A. guy?"

"Wait, that's right!" A girl's shrill voice responded, "It's the first-year sports festival winner!"

Izuku glanced to his right and realized that he and Togata were passing the entrance of a local high school, where students were trickling in for the weekday morning. A group of teenagers his age was looking right at him in awe.

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