11: We're Depending on You

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"Excuse me, can you please tell us what it's like to have All Might as your teacher?" The reporter lady jammed the microphone into Izuku's face as he arrived at the school gate.

"Uh, sorry, but I have classes to attend to!" Izuku weaved his way through the crowd of reporters and hurried inside the school to his classroom.

This was it, the day the league of villains will infiltrate UA and somehow steal a copy of the staff schedule.

The people responsible for the future war will come right to their doorstep today, but as much as he hated it, Izuku did not plan to stop them. In this fight, patience was the key, and Izuku needed to utilize his advantage as much as he could.

"Good job on the battle training yesterday, everyone did well." Aizawa said very unenthusiastically, "Now... homeroom stuff. Today you guys will decide on a class president. Make it fast."

The classroom instantly filled with euphoria as most of the students started yelling for others to choose them as class rep. And just like last time, everything ended with a vote.

"WHAT?! I got five votes?" Izuku said in disbelief as he saw the results on the board.

"Dammit, who voted for Deku?!!" Bakugo yelled.

"I mean, he did show a lot of leadership during the battle training..." Sero said quietly while some other students nodded around him.

"Well then, it is decided that Midoriya is class representative, and Yaoyorozu is deputy class rep," Aizawa said from his yellow sleeping bag.

Izuku forced himself not to object.

Patience, Izuku. Patience.


"You doing good, Deku?" Uraraka asked during lunch.

"Oh, I'm fine." Izuku looked away from the window and tried to relax. "What were we talking about?"

"Iida just finished sharing about his brother, Ingenium. He wants to become a hero just like him! Isn't that cool?" Uraraka said as Iida nodded.

"Yeah, that's uh, cool..." Izuku forced away the memories of Iida's bloody arm after being stabbed by Stain, the hero killer responsible for Ingenium's retirement.

"Congratulations on being class representative," Iida said to Izuku, "you really deserve to lead our class."

"Actually, I think you should be the one to lead us," Izuku replied, "you're probably the most responsible and serious person I know."

Iida opened his mouth and was about to reply when the loud, screeching sound of the alarm started blaring.

"Security level three has been broken. All students, please evacuate in an orderly fashion." The automated voice said.

Then all hell broke loose and the students stampeded into the hallways.

Everybody was pushing and shoving, and Izuku was slammed against the window by the stream of students pouring out of the cafeteria.

Outside, an ocean of reporters was crowding the front gate, while Aizawa and Present Mic were trying to herd them away.

Anytime now, Iida, Izuku prayed as he felt his ribs getting squashed.

Suddenly, beyond the crowd of reporters, Izuku glimpsed a flicker of white and time seemed to stop.

It was the kind of white that made his heart freeze and breath choke and stomach flip.

The white thing vanished as quickly as it appeared but Izuku knew too well what it was.

A pale, white hand, on the face of a crazy, monstrous, nightmarish villain.

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