35: Underclassmen Drama

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Gym Beta was one of the smaller gyms and was usually open after school for independent training. Robots monitored the ground, but since a crowd had gathered for the sparring match, Hound Dog also stood to the side and kept an eye on things.

Izuku arrived at the gym with Uraraka and Iida beside him and all of his other classmates who stayed after school following behind.

Izuku's second-year opponent, Amari, was waiting. A wide grin spread across his face when Izuku came into view.

"There he is."

Izuku didn't really know what to do or say in this situation so he just smiled awkwardly as he stopped in front of Amari.

"WOO!! Let's go!!" A voice boomed in the gym, attracting all eyes toward the origin.

"Togata?!" Izuku's eyes widened at the sight of the over-enthusiastic third-year student among the spectators, along with Hado Nejire and Amajiki Tamaki, the rest of the Big 3. Hado smiled warmly and Amajiki faced the wall, his body language making it clear that he didn't want to be here.

"Don't mind us, boys! " Hado said, "We just wanted to witness the underclassmen drama, that's all."

Amari seemed to be pumped up by the unexpected audience, turning back to Izuku with a proud expression.

"The Big 3 is watching, Midoriya," Amari smirked, "I was planning to go easy on you, but don't blame me for going all out now."

"Um... Okay."

Amari's smirk vanished. "Wow. I didn't expect the disrespect."

"Oh... I apologize. I'll do my best."

Amari rolled his eyes, his smug smile returning as if he couldn't believe how pathetic his opponent was. He took a shallow bow, "If you please." Izuku returned the bow, and the match began.

Heat exploded in the gym as Amari extended his arms out, and around him, glowing orange-red blobs took form, reshaping in the air and merging into a viscous stream of molten lava. A couple of minuscule drops hovered higher above, probably meant to be unnoticeable but painfully obvious to Izuku. He took note that there would probably be a surprise attack later.

Izuku lowered his stance, a small figure of green lightning against the theatrical display of red-hot magma.

Izuku could feel himself starting to sweat because of the heat and knew very well that even slight contact with the liquid would cause a pretty bad burn.

But the lava would have to catch him first.

Like snakes striking, the lava split into separate streams and shot toward Izuku, but the first-year had already vanished in a flash of green and blinked into view in front of Amari, his arm pulled back in the position for a punch.

The second-year's face distorted with surprise, his instincts managing to bring his arms up in a sloppy defense position. If it was purely based on combat skills, the match would've ended here. But luckily for Amari, he had a lava quirk.

The red-hot liquid formed in front of his arms, but Izuku saw it coming. His punch stopped midway and he dropped down with a swift kick that swept Amari's legs out from underneath him.

Amari landed on his back with a grunt but quickly turned himself around and slammed a palm on the floor.

Izuku dodged out of the way and flashed to the other side of the gym as a column of lava erupted from the floor like a volcano, showering the gym with glowing drops of destruction. There were some yelps from the spectators as the lava flew and sizzled around them, but rings of yellow energy waves then shielded the lava.

"Careful, boys," Hado said, her arms extended as she used her quirk, wave motion, to protect the spectators from stray lava.

Seemingly embarrassed by being reprimanded by one of the Big 3, Amari became distracted for a second, which Izuku took advantage of.

In a blur of green, Izuku sprinted toward his opponent and delivered a kick that sent Amari flying back. The tiny droplets of lava floating in the air that Izuku noticed at the beginning started to waver and grow, then burst apart like fireworks.

Izuku slammed his fist into his palm, creating a shield-like shockwave that reflected the lava splashes away. 

Amari had managed to get back on his feet, and lava had condensed around his fists. With a yell, the second-year sprinted toward Izuku, each step leaving pools of lava that quickly covered the gym floor, giving no space for Izuku to step on. However, the expanse of lava stopped just before it reached Hado's wave barrier, making Izuku appreciate Amari's control over his quirk.

Amari drew his lava-coated fist, ready to strike. Only the small area where Izuku stood was not covered in lava.

Amari smirked, knowing that he had Izuku trapped.

Calmly, Izuku lifted his fist and slammed it hard into the ground. The shockwave threw Amari back and burst away the lava on the floor. Immediately, Izuku grabbed Amari with blackwhip, and with a heave, flung Amari to the floor. 

Before the second-year could react, Izuku's fist crashed into the ground right next to Amari's head, and the only sound in the gym was the resounding echo of the final strike.

Amari's breathing was heavy, his face frozen in shock and his eyes glinting with fear. Suddenly, Izuku was reminded of the battlefield, and the face in front of him flickered and molded into the faces of low-level villains with the same expressions before their defeat. 

He then wondered if this was what he looked like when he lost the war...when he could do nothing but watch Shigaraki escape. 

He shook his head. It was always sporadic moments like these when the haunting feelings of his past life crept into his mind and suffocated him.

This is not the war. But when it comes, I must stay strong.

"WOO!! Let's go!!" Togata's voice broke the silence.

The first-year students in the gym clapped and cheered. Some second-years cheered, most clapped politely, and others stood silently.

"Good match," Izuku smiled and extended his hand. Amari grabbed it and Izuku pulled him to his feet. The lava sizzled and dissipated in smoke.

"Your control on your quirk is really good," Izuku said.

"Thank you, I know," Amari snapped, then sighed and took a deep breath, "You're pretty darn good for a first year."

"I try my best."

"You better not embarrass U.A. this weekend at the license exam."

Izuku chuckled, "Don't worry, I won't."

"Good luck."

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