32: Dreams and Promises

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The Hero Killer's gaze seemed as sharp as his blades. As Todoroki Shoto desperately tried to fend off the villain's attacks with walls of ice and waves of fire, the killer's piercing, bloodred eyes made Shoto want to just give up and surrender.

He shook the thought away. Iida was behind him right now, immobilized and injured. The hooded victim was further down the alley somewhere, probably also immobilized by the Hero Killer's quirk.

Shoto couldn't give up.

The ice only slowed the villain down slightly, and Shoto's fire attacks were still clumsy and flawed. But little by little, as the fire danced across his left palm... he could feel the power it held. An endless well of power inside of him, waiting to be discovered and awakened.

Stain's expression was twisted with disgust, his gaze focused on Shoto, his mouth muttering, "Eradicate the fakes," "Cleanse this world," "Only All Might shall kill me," "Disappointing young heroes..."

Sharp beams of ice protruded from the ground, stabbing at Stain from all directions.

"Disappointing?" Shoto let out an icy breath, "We'll see about that."

Suddenly, bright orange fire exploded in front of Shoto and the shockwave blew him backward, making him fall right next to Iida.

"Wait, Todoroki?! What-- what happened...?" Iida was still immobilized, blood flowing from his shoulder injury.

Shoto raised his head off the ground and squinted at the alley, which was now a flurry of bright orange flames.

"My father is here."

Endeavor was fighting the Hero Killer, his face hidden behind the roaring fires. At this point, Stain was snarling like a crazed beast, slashing his swords like a madman, and screaming, "Only All Might shall kill me!!"

Seeing an opening, Shoto pushed himself off the ground and a trail of ice shot from his right foot to the ground beneath the killer, throwing the villain off balance.

Then, in a flash of blue, Iida suddenly rose up and flew at Stain. Iida's kick landed on Stain's sternum, the sound of engines booming in the air.

The Hero Killer collided with the wall, blood spewing from his mouth.

Endeavor stepped back, his flaming eyebrows raised in slight surprise. The Hero Killer fell to the ground, his clothes still smoking. Iida stumbled and fell on his side. The dagger was still lodged in his shoulder.

Shoto quickly made his way past his father and helped Iida to a more comfortable position.

"Thanks," Iida groaned in pain as he leaned against the foot of the wall.

"You defeated Stain," Shoto glanced back at the unconscious Hero Killer, who was being tied up by Endeavor.

"Not without you and Endeavor's help," Iida smiled weakly, "I'm really sorry I made this a mess. I was blinded by vengeance, and I... That wouldn't be what my brother wants."

Shoto attempted a comforting smile, but then frowned and looked around.

Iida came to the same realization. He looked around and asked, "Wait a minute, where's the other victim?"

The hooded person was nowhere to be seen. Shoto's first thought was that his father simply incinerated the victim, but knew that wasn't the case. Endeavor definitely would've noticed if someone else was in the alley.

"Probably just escaped after Stain's quirk wore off."

"Yes, you're probably right," Iida nodded, then sighed, "that person saved my life."

"I'm sure you'll have a chance to give thanks in the future," Shoto said, "but right now, we need to get you to the hospital."

Iida nodded in agreement, wincing at the pain.

Shoto stood up and walked to where Endeavor was waiting with a tied-up Hero Killer.

"A group of heroes are heading this way," Endeavor said.


Silence. A small flame crackled near the mouth of the alley.

"Didn't know you were capable of surprise attacks."

"You'll learn all of this from me one day," the flaming hero huffed.

More silence.

"I lost the dinner you sent me to buy," Shoto reported, "Dropped it after I heard the commotion here."

Endeavor huffed again. No criticism, no insults, and no compliments on keeping the killer at bay.

"What did you think about using your fire in an actual combat situation?" The hero asked.

Shoto looked down at his hands, then at the Hero Killer. The annoyance when it came to his father's expectations of fire had already become habitual, so it took effort for Shoto to overcome it. Shoto took a deep breath.

"My control of it is still flawed."

Endeavor huffed, "As long as you learn what I teach, you will improve your control."

"I will learn wholeheartedly," Shoto replied, "Although it would not be for your dreams. It would be for mine."


Izuku watched from a distance. He watched as a group of heroes arrived at the alley, followed by the flashing red and blue lights of police cars. From the building he was standing on, he could also make out an ambulance and a few reporters hurrying to the scene. There was the sound of a helicopter somewhere in the sky.

During the fight with Stain, when Izuku was able to move again, he noticed Endeavor flying toward the alley like a comet. He knew Endeavor would be able to take care of the situation, so he decided to leave. However, Endeavor's arrival had caught Izuku off guard -- without the nomu attack, the Hosu event really changed a lot.

Something else was also bothering him. He looked down at his torso, at the cut that Stain made. The blood had stained his hoodie red, but underneath the sliced fabric, the cut wasn't deep.

Stain couldn't have missed.

So why did Stain spare Izuku's life? Was it because he reminded him of All Might?

Recalling his last life, Izuku thought about how Stain saved his life from the flying nomu and wondered for the millionth time what exactly was Stain thinking.

But all that mattered now was that Iida and Todoroki were safe. Izuku smiled at that.

As the Hero Killer situation was being wrapped up, Izuku decided to start heading back to the train station, his mind trailing to the next task ahead.


"Don't worry, Eri," Izuku whispered, "I'm coming soon."

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! This is a shorter one because it's the end of the Hero Killer Arc. Apologies for the inconsistent updates; next chapter is coming soon!!! :))

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